OBU-Basics-PLM Quiz
Quiz by mm. droide
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- Q1
Head of PLM
Who is the Global Product Owner "OBU's" and the Head of PLM? (use the empty box as space character; ä = ae)
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q2
Scope Split & Roles
Users sort answers between categoriesSorting60s - Q3
How many product groups does the OnBoard Units portfolio consist of?
don' know
30s - Q4
Assign the PLM's to their product group
Users link answersLinking60s - Q5
ESBO stands for
jumble:// ETCS, System, Base, Onboard
30s - Q6
DMI - Driver Machine Interface
Which three DMI variants do we offer with our current portfolio? Please assign all items to the respective box
Users sort answers between categoriesSorting45s - Q7
Products and Components
Which products / components are used for ....?
Users sort answers between categoriesSorting120s - Q8
Why is Obsolescence Management important?
Users sort answers between categoriesSorting120s - Q9
Of course, there are exception, that are not touched by obsolescence...
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q10
Portfolio Match
Please link the matching terms
Users link answersLinking120s