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Occupation Health and Safety Nail Care

Quiz by Christine

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an important aspect of Occupational Health and Safety?
    Regular safety training for employees
    Ignoring safety guidelines
    Unlimited work hours
    Not providing safety equipment
  • Q2
    Why is it important to report any unsafe conditions in the workplace?
    To prevent accidents and injuries
    To keep secrets from coworkers
    To increase productivity
    To ignore the issues
  • Q3
    Why is it important for employers to provide proper safety equipment to their employees?
    To protect them from workplace hazards and injuries
    To increase production speed
    To make the workplace look better
    To save money on expenses
  • Q4
    What is the purpose of conducting regular safety inspections in a workplace?
    To increase risks for employees
    To ignore safety concerns
    To cover up safety issues
    To identify and eliminate hazards
  • Q5
    What is the purpose of having emergency procedures in place at a workplace?
    To ensure the safety and well-being of employees in case of emergencies
    To save money on safety measures
    To create chaos among employees
    To encourage dangerous activities

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