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Opposition in Germany, 1918-89

Quiz by Amelia Rubin

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  • Q1
    the ToV- it was used to criticise the government
    What was the root of much political dissent and opposition?
  • Q2
    the people were misinformed about it, they were led to believe that Germany could win the war but were betrayed by the November criminals in the stab in the back myth
    Why was the ToV used?
  • Q3
    reparations- this resentment was not reduced despite the fact the costs were reduced and they received economic help from the USA- the existence of the repartions in the first place was enough
    What prolonged this resentment?
  • Q4
    after war there was the return of many ex soldiers who many joined private armies of political parties
    What added to the violence in the Weimar?
  • Q5
    -involvement in the ToV
    Why was there opposition? (4)
  • Q6
    See image
    -liberalism and democratic principles
  • Q7
    See image
    -failure to produce a strong decisive gov with a strong leader
  • Q8
    See image
    -failure to unite Germany
  • Q9
    -USPD member dismissed from gov
    What left wing opposition did the Weimar face?
  • Q10
    See image
  • Q11
    See image
    -trying to establish communist gov
  • Q12
    the gov dismissed a popular police chief in Berlin Eichorn who was a radical USPD member = open conflict with workers council
    What happened Jan 4 1919?
  • Q13
    Sparticists, members of the USPD and local union officials united to overthrow the government- thousands of armed workers took over key buildings eg newspaper offices
    What happened Jan 6 1919?
  • Q14
    freikorps crushed the rebellion and executed the main leaders
    How was the rebellion crushed?
  • Q15
    attempts to take over German states and establish communist governments - the most significant was in Bavaria in March 1919 and in Saxony and Thuringia in 1921 (in all cases they did not have enough support and were put down)
    What were the tactics used by the left wing opposition?

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