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Quiz by Septia Ruru

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What event triggered the bitter past experienced by Sukardjo Wilardjito?
    Den Pom 072
    Letda Silitonga
  • Q2
    Who were the four high-ranking TNI officers that came to meet President Soekarno?
    M Yamin, Adam Malik, Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Natsir
    Soeharto, Megawati, Jokowi, Prabowo
    M Yusuf, Amir Machmoed, Basoeki Rachmat, and M Panggabean
    Sukardjo, Letda Silitonga, Domine Aanlar, Kolonel Sumirat
  • Q3
    What did Letda Silitonga accuse Sukardjo of being involved in?
    Den Pom 072
  • Q4
    What did Sukardjo say about the Supersemar document?
    It was the result of the forgery by Basuki Rachmat and M Panggabean
    It was the result of the forgery by Sukardjo himself
    It was a document created by Letda Silitonga
    It was a genuine document signed by President Soekarno
  • Q5
    What did Sukardjo write about his experiences in a book?
    The Supersemar Incident
    Mereka Menodong Bung Karno
    Torture under the Suharto Regime
    The Suharto Regime
  • Q6
    What punishment did Sukardjo receive under the Suharto regime?
    Public execution
    Community service
    14 years of imprisonment without trial
    Life imprisonment
  • Q7
    When did Sukardjo pass away?
    March 5, 2013
    March 11, 1966
    January 1, 2000
    December 31, 1999
  • Q8
    How did the Supreme Court rule in Sukardjo's case?
    He was acquitted and set free
    He was sentenced to life imprisonment
    He was sentenced to death
    His case was dismissed
  • Q9
    What was Sukardjo accused of by the police in 1998?
    Assassinating President Soekarno
    Stealing the Supersemar document
    Causing public unrest with his testimony about the Supersemar document
    Being a member of the PKI
  • Q10
    What was Sukardjo's role during the Supersemar incident?
    He was a security guard at the Presidential Palace
    He was a journalist
    He was a member of PKI
    He was a high-ranking TNI officer

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