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OT 251 Module 5 tRAP - Adolescence & Early Adulthood

Quiz by Diego Lopez

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    Alyssa is about to transition to middle school. Based on research studies about this period, what is MOST likely to happen?
    A. She will feel energized by getting to meet so many new people and having 7 different teachers.
    C. She will start participating in sexual activities.
    D. Her grades will decline temporarily and she will feel less positively about school and about herself.
    B. She will start using drugs and alcohol.
  • Q2
    What environmental factors of middle school might impact this during the transition?
    B. Emphasis on competition during a period of heightened self-focusing
    A. Disruption of peer networks as she becomes more concerned with peer acceptance
    D. All of the above
    D. Disruption of close relationships with teachers at a time when adult support is needed
  • Q3
    Which of the following might be helpful for her to ease the transition?
    C. Teaching style emphasizing lectures
    D. Holding several motivational assemblies in the beginning of the school year
    B. Emphasizing tangible rewards for high performing students
    A. Assigning her to classes with several familiar peers over a constant group of new peers
  • Q4
    What is the strongest predictor of favorable adjustment for teens who come out as gay, lesbian or bisexual?
    B. Parental understanding
    C. Acceptance by peers
    A. Establishing a same-sex sexual or romantic relationship
    D. Meeting other youth who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual
  • Q5
    Which of the following would be a learning activity SPECIFICALLY suited to the new cognitive developments occurring in adolescence?
    A. Debating the opposing side of an issue that one feels strongly about
    B. Learning about how airplanes "lift" up into the sky
    D. Taking a tour of the White House
    C. Reading about the history of Native Americans in the United States
  • Q6
    Moon is reluctant to bring her Dad with her to the parent teacher conference because as an ex-hippie, he dresses much more casually than her more formally dressed teachers. She is convinced that everyone will notice this. Her conviction BEST reflects what new development in perspective taking that occurs in adolescence?
    B. Imaginary audience
    A. Personal fable
    D. Inflated opinion of her own importance
    C. Egocentrism
  • Q7
    While this new development in perspective taking may cause Moon stress now, what positive consequences may it have for her development?
    C. Encourage her to maintain healthy psychological distance from her family
    A. Develop her understanding that others' evaluations have real consequences
    B. Reduce her sense of vulnerability
    D. Instill a willingness to take risks
  • Q8
    Andrew and his friends start a club called "Allies" at their high school. They envision that this club will help generate support for LGBT youth and help them feel more accepted at school. Their ability to envision an ideal future is MOST closely connected to what cognitive development in adolescence?
    C. The development of a personal fable
    B. The capacity to think about things that do not "exist" in the real world
    A. Increased ability to self-regulate
    D. Their growing knowledge about prejudice and discrimination that exists in the world
  • Q9
    Julie, 24, has been living-in with her boyfriend for the past year. Previously, she lived with three roommates. She has recently decided to move into her parent’s home as she is starting a new job that is closer to her parent’s place. This example best illustrates which feature of Emerging Adulthood?
    A. Feeling in between
    D. Identity exploration
    C. Instability
    B. Self-Focused
  • Q10
    Samantha, 23, has just received a promotion at work., However, she cannot manage her finances, doesn’t know how to invest money and often feels like a child when she seeks advice from her father. This BEST illustrates which feature of Emerging Adulthood?
    B. Feeling in-between
    A. Identity exploration
    C. Self-focused
    D. Age of instability
  • Q11
    While adolescents handle many cognitive tasks better than younger children, they still struggle with decision making, compared to adults. Which of the following describes why adolescents may have difficulty with decision making?
    C. They often fall back on intuitive judgements
    A. They are often overwhelmed by the wide range of choices
    D. All of the above
    B. They often do not have past experiences to help them predict the outcome of their actions
  • Q12
    Jose, 14, has started to distance himself from his parents by spending more time in his room and by expressing annoyance with them more frequently. Despite his pulling away, why is is it especially important for his parents to stay involved in his life?
    A. To ensure his safety during a period when he may be more likely to engage in risk taking behaviors
    B. Staying involved may improve his academic achievement during the transition to high school
    C. His decision making capacity is not fully developed
    D. All of the above
  • Q13
    Mia, 15, is about to return to school after sustaining a spinal cord injury. She does not want to go, telling her sister, "I feel like everyone will know that I wear a leg bag!" While this comment reflects a common worry of adolescents with spinal cord injuries, it is also an example of what typical adolescent thinking pattern?
    A. Imaginary audience
    C. Personal fable
    D. Feeling of omnipotence
    B. Egocentrism
  • Q14
    Which of the following might be a reason for psychological distancing between teens and their parents?
    A. Adolescent moodiness impacts the relationship
    B. Increased risk-taking behaviors in teens
    D. All of the above
    C. Disagreements between parent and child regarding the teenager's readiness for independence
  • Q15
    Erik Erikson designated ______________ as the central crisis of the adolescent stage of life.
    C. Identity vs. Role confusion
    B. Industry vs. Inferiority
    D. Ego integrity vs. Despair
    A. Intimacy vs. Isolation

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