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P1 Addition and Subtraction to 40 Word Problems C

Quiz by HQ Teacher

Primary 1
Singapore Syllabus

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    Terry has 15 more cupcakes than Lucy. Lucy has 12 cupcakes. How may cupcakes does Terry have?

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  • Q2

    Alice made 30 tarts. Gina made 12 fewer tarts than Alice. How many tarts did Gina make?

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  • Q3

    There are 34 glasses in the cupboard. There are 16 fewer mugs than glasses. How many mugs are there?

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  • Q4

    Sandy bought 12 fewer white balloons than pink balloons. She bought 16 white balloons. How many pink balloons did she buy?

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  • Q5

    In Farmer John's farm, there are 20 more goats than cows. He has 35 goats. How many cows does Farmer John have?

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  • Q6

    May made 19 fewer muffins than scones. She made 36 scones. How many muffins did May make?

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  • Q7

    Kim collected 22 more tin cans in May than in April. She collected 40 tin cans in May. How many tin cans did she collect in April?

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  • Q8

    38 cars are parked in the carpark of the shopping centre. 13 fewer motorcycles are parked. How many motorcycles are in the car park?

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  • Q9

    Tracy bought 27 pears. She bought 12 fewer oranges than pears. How many oranges did she buy?

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  • Q10

    Arianne used 14 more purple buttons than  white buttons. She used 30 purple buttons. How many white buttons did she use?

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