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Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines Vocab Quiz

Quiz by Morgan Baker

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    Serves as the official record keeper of the organization, keeps the roll of members and minutes of the meeting and record of proceedings of the assembly; during the meeting, reports the minutes of the previous meeting as well as takes notes to report at the next meeting

    Vice Chairman or Chairwoman



    Chairman or Chairwoman

  • Q2

    Brings a new item of business before the group; can be further subdivided into two categories 

    Main Motion


    Secondary Motion

    Original Main Motion

  • Q3

    Used when the agenda or program is not being followed or if an item was set to be taken up at a certain time and that time has passed; requires the chair to follow the established agenda

    Motion to Lay on the Table

    Subsidiary Motions

    Subsidiary Motions

    Call for the Orders of the Day

  • Q4

    Deals with a violation of the rules

    Motion to Suspend the Rules

    Motion to Appeal from the Decision of the Chair

    Incidental Motions

    Point of Order

  • Q5

    Allows the group to receive a more accurate count on a vote

    Motion to Suspend the Rules

    Motion to Withdraw

    Division of the Assembly

    Division of the Question

  • Q6

    This person will call the meeting to order, recognize members to the floor, state motions, announce the vote and maintain order; a neutral body, that cannot offer debate on a motion or make motions and can only vote if it is to make or break a tie

    Chairman or Chairwoman

    Vice Chairman or Chairwoman



  • Q7

    A coordinated system used to conduct business when working in a group; allows everyone to be heard and make decisions without confusion

    Main Motion

    Parliamentary Procedure


    Original Main Motion

  • Q8

    A motion which brings an item of business before the meeting

    Original Main Motion

    Incidental Main Motion

    Privileged Motions

    Secondary Motion

  • Q9

    What indicates a unanimous vote for passing the motion it also can be used when a motion is not likely to be opposed?

    Voice Voting

    Rising Vote

    Roll-Call Vote

    General Consent

  • Q10

    The motions that do not relate to the main motion or pending business but relate directly to the member and the organization; indicate matters of urgency, that without debate, they can interrupt the consideration of anything else

    Primary Amendment

    Secondary Amendment

    General Consent

    Privileged Motions


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