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7 questions
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  • Q1
    Strict Puritan minister who wanted to establish a Utopian Society in Massachusetts Bay Colony; allowed only Puritans to vote
    Roger Williams
    William Bradford
    William Penn
    John Winthrop
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q2
    Puritan minister who limited the government and expanded voting rights through the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut; known as the Father of American Democracy
    Roger Williams
    John Winthrop
    William Penn
    Thomas Hooker
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q3
    Puritan minister banished from Massachusetts who started Rhode Island; believed in separation of church and state and freedom of religion
    Roger Williams
    William Penn
    John Winthroop
    Thomas Hooker
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q4
    Quaker who established Pennsylvania and believed in equality of men and women; peace; and religious freedom
    William Penn
    John Winthrop
    Roger Williams
    Lord Baltimore
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q5
    Set up Maryland as a safe haven for Catholics; gave religious freedom to all Christians
    James Oglethorpe
    William Penn
    Roger Williams
    Lord Baltimore
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q6
    set up Georgia as a refuge for debtors; limited farm size; prohibited alcohol; prohibited slavery
    William Penn
    James Oglethorpe
    Roger Williams
    John Winthrop
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History
  • Q7
    Led an insurrection which united white and black indentured servants to raid Indian villages and burn Jamestown to ground; increased the use of slaves and decreased use of indentured servants
    James Oglethorpe
    Nathaniel Bacon
    John Brown
    8.1.B: Social Studies - History

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