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Periodical Test - Quarter I (Physical Education and Health 12)

Quiz by Eris Barugsay

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50 questions
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  • Q1

    It is an act or instance of moving one’s body rhythmically usually to music

     D. Recreation

    C. Free time


    A. Sports

  • Q2

    2. This is the area the performers occupy and where they move.

    A. Space

     B. Energy  

    D. Energy

    C. Percussive

  • Q3

    4. It refers to a set of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world.

       A. Zumba 

     B. Ballroom dance

    C. Hip-hop  

    D. Cheer  dance

  • Q4

    5. The time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other personal care.

    B. Subsistence time

    A. Existence time

    D. Recreational activity time

    C. Free time

  • Q5

    What word was derived from the Latin term recreare which means to be refreshed?

      B. Recreation

      A. Sports

      D. Remembering

      C. Activity

  • Q6

    People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This translates into efficiency at the workplace. What kind of benefit does the statement show?

    C. Spiritual benefits

    B. Economic benefit

    D. Mental benefits

    A. Physical benefits

  • Q7

    The movements here are propelled by energy of force.

     B. Energy     

    A. Space  

    C. Percussive        

    D. Energy

  • Q8

    Movements trace a curved line or an arc in space.

    C. Percussive

    D. Swinging

    B. Energy

    A. Collapsing

  • Q9

    What do you think is the least thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor activity?

    D. Bring first aid and necessary kits

    C. Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip

    A. Plot the place, setting and period of departure and arrival

    B. Carry pets in your travel

  • Q10

    Movements are released in tennis and gradually or abruptly give in to gravity.

    D.   Swinging

    B. Energy

    A. Collapsing    

    C. Percussive

  • Q11

    Listed below are examples of common barriers to participation in recreational activities, which among the following does not belong to the group?

    A. I do not have the time

    B. I am always tired

    C. I do not know how

    D. I am motivated

  • Q12

    BMI is a measure of body mass based on height and weight that aid in determining weight categories. BMI stands for.

    B. Body Master Identity

    D. None of the Mention

    A. Body Mass Identity

    C. Body Massive Index

  • Q13

    Which of the following points do we need to consider in preparation for any outdoor physical activity?

    D. All of the Above

    C. knows the environment well.

    A. Use sunscreen.

    B. Eat and hydrate well

  • Q14

    Below are common barriers to participation in recreational activities, which among the following does not belong to the group?

    C. I have enough money

    B. I lack willpower

    D. I am not motivated

    A. I easily get discouraged

  • Q15

    Recreation comes from the latin word recreare which means?

    A. to be refreshed

     C. to play

    B. to eat

    D. to work


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