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Personification 2

Quiz by Nisha Rnath

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3 questions
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  • Q1

    Which one is an examples of


    The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier.

    The slimy eel slithered through the seaweed.

    The stand of trees was a festival of color that fall.

    The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard.

  • Q2

    While through the windows, steel bar,

    Pale daylight greets us like a sweet song.

    What is being personified?





  • Q3

    Which of the following is NOT an example of personification?

    The angry mirror showed every wrinkle on his face.

    The trout danced on the water's surface.

    The sun was warm on the child's face.

    The star I wished on winked at me.


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