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Quiz by Mariana Mambo

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is phishing?
    A technique used to authenticate emails
    An attempt to deceive individuals into revealing personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers
    A method of catching birds with nets
    A type of fishing done in the sea
  • Q2
    Which of the following is a common method used in phishing attacks?
    Physical mail
    Text messages
    Phone calls
    Phishing emails
  • Q3
    How can you identify a phishing email?
    Ignoring all emails from unknown senders
    Clicking on all the links within the email
    Checking for misspelled words or poor grammar
    Opening email attachments without hesitation
  • Q4
    What is spear phishing?
    A phishing attack that targets fish
    A form of phishing that uses actual spears
    A targeted form of phishing that aims to deceive specific individuals or organizations
    A sport involving a long stick and a small ball
  • Q5
    What is a common goal of phishing attacks?
    Promoting online shopping
    Increasing social media followers
    Stealing personal information
    Sending funny memes
  • Q6
    What is the best way to protect yourself from phishing attacks?
    Disabling all security features on your device
    Being cautious and skeptical of unexpected emails or messages
    Sharing personal information with unknown websites
    Clicking on all links and attachments without hesitation
  • Q7
    What is the purpose of a phishing website?
    To provide free online services
    To share educational content
    To promote a new product
    To trick users into entering their personal information
  • Q8
    What is a common method used by attackers in phishing attacks to create a sense of urgency?
    Sending humorous memes to distract users
    Inviting users to a free event or webinar
    Claiming an account will be closed if immediate action is not taken
    Offering a large cash prize for participating
  • Q9
    What is a common technique used in email phishing?
    Including multiple links to unrelated websites
    Spoofing the sender's email address
    Adding excessive emojis in the email body
    Attaching a large file in the email
  • Q10
    What is the purpose of a phishing attack?
    To gain unauthorized access to sensitive information
    To promote a new product
    To spread computer viruses
    To increase website traffic

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