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Phrasal verbs

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    The bus was full. We couldn't ....
    get out
    go on
    get by
    get on
  • Q2
    I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to .... for a bit.
    speak out
    sit down
    look around
    go away
  • Q3
    A cat tried to catch the bird, but it .... just in time.
    looked around
    sat down
    fly away
    flew away
  • Q4
    turn out ...
    a mistake
    a light
    an order
    a candle
  • Q5
    point out
    a pencil
    a mess
    a new product
    a mistake
  • Q6
    blow out
    a light
    a ball
    a mess
    a candle
  • Q7
    carry out
    a candle
    a mistake
    an order
    a new product
  • Q8
    sort out
    a mess
    an order
    a mistake
    a new product
  • Q9
    We can't ........ spending money like this. We'll have nothing left soon.
    get on
    go off
    go on
    going on
  • Q10
    I was standing by the car when suddenly the alarm ..........
    went off
    goes off
    went on
    goes on
  • Q11
    I'm not ready to go home yet. I have a few things to ........... .
    finish off
    finish on
    carry on
    keep on
  • Q12
    "Is Emma enjoying her course at university?" "Yes, she's .............. very well."
    getting on
    telling off
    tells on
    gets on
  • Q13
    Ben was ...... by his boss for being late for work repeatedly.
    getting on
    told off
    telling off
    got on
  • Q14
    I really like working with my colleagues. We all ........... really well together.
    go off
    get on
    got on
    get off
  • Q15
    There was a very loud noise. It sounded like a bomb ......... .
    put off
    going on
    going off
    finished off

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