Physical and Software - Based Data Security
Quiz by Lisette Ngui
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10 questions
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- Q1Physical data security deals with the protection of only hardware.falsefalsetruesome items30s
- Q2The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?biometric system, physical datahand print, physical databiometric system, physical datamolar scan, software - based data30s
- Q3The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?passwords, software - based datapasswords, software - basedpasswords, physical datalogin credentials, software - based30s
- Q4The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?security guard, physical dataguard, physical datasecurity guard, physical datasentinal, software - based data30s
- Q5The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?swipe cards, physical dataswipe cards, physical datalog, software basedkeypad, physical data30s
- Q6The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?encryption key, physical datascrambling, physical dataencryption, software - based dataencryption, software - based data30s
- Q7The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?firewall, software - based datafirewall, software - based datawall, physical datablocking, physical data30s
- Q8The picture represents what type of protective solution belongs to which class of security?shield, physical datalocked shield, physical dataanti - virus, software based dataanti - virus, software based data30s
- Q9Trojans, virus, worms, spyware and key - loggers are examples of:ransomwareboot sector virusmalwaremalware30s
- Q10Downloading infected programs, opening infected files, using infected storage medium are all ways of :being generousspreading virusessharing filesspreading viruses30s