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Physics terms to know

Quiz by Cassy Baker

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  • Q1
    the powerful attractive force that binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus
    strong nuclear force
  • Q2
    a powerful attractive force that acts over a short range responsible for beta decay
    weak nuclear force
  • Q3
    weakest fundamental force, hypothetically mediated by gravitons, in general relativity is accounted for by the curvature of spacetime, gravitational waves have been detected by LIGO
  • Q4
    mediated by photons, unified with the weak force as the electroweak force governed by Maxwell's equation. The attraction between oppositely charged particles.
  • Q5
    is a vision of a physics theory that can combine three of the four fundamental forces into one single equation
    Grand Unified Theory
  • Q6
    The theory that describes the strong nuclear force. It is a quantum field theory in which quarks interact with one another by exchanging force-carrying particles called "gluons." It has two striking features that distinguish it from the weak and electromagnetic forces. First, the force between two quarks remains constant as the quarks are
    quantum chromodynamics
  • Q7
    See image
    pulled apart. This explains why single quarks have never been found in nature. Second, quarks and
  • Q8
    See image
    gluons interact very weakly at high energies. This theory is an essential part of the Standard Model and is well tested experimentally; however, calculations can be very difficult and are often performed using approximations and computer simulations rather than solved directly.
  • Q9
    An explanation of how the elementary particles interact with the four fundamental forces to serve as the basic building blocks of the universe
    Standard Model
  • Q10
    theories under development that comprehensively explain all four fundamental forces in nature
    Theory of Everything
  • Q11
    particles that cause force; the exchange of bosons between fields causes force
  • Q12
    a subatomic particle of a class that is thought to bind quarks together.
  • Q13
    are any particles made out of quarks (alternatively, any particle affected by the strong nuclear force). Generally, this means the baryons and the mesons. All hadrons are colorless (in the sense of the combined color of their constituent quarks). The name "hadron" comes from the Greek for "thick."
  • Q14
    are one of the classes of "fundamental particles" (meaning that they cannot be broken down into smaller particles). . This word comes from the Greek for "light" (as in "not heavy"), even though the muon and tauon are fairly massive.
  • Q15
    A quantum, or discrete quantity, of light energy that behaves as if it were a particle.

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