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26 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the purpose of poetry?

    To entertain

    To persuade

    To become famous

    To inform

  • Q2

    A line break in poetry is a structural element that...

    ...separates the poet from the reader.

    ...involves the destruction of an object.

    ...shows when one character ends a relationship with another character.

    ...indicates the termination of a line of a poem and the beginning of a new line.

  • Q3

    A stanza in poetry is a structural element that...

    ... is a group of lines within a poem, usually set off from others by a blank line.

    ... starts a new poem.

    ... indicates the reader should stand while reading that part.

    ... creates a rhythm in the poem.

  • Q4

    Rhythm and meter are structural elements in poetry that...

    ... create a repetitive pattern of strong and weak beats.

    ... indicate when a line begins and ends.

    ... determine how much a person has to pay to use the poem.

    ... should be sung not read.

  • Q5

    The rhyme scheme of a poem is a structural element that...

    ...refers to the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza.

    ...is the scheme the poet came up with to get more readers.

    ...indicates the start of a new paragraph.

    ...introduces a new character.

  • Q6

    Repetition in a poem is a structural element that...

    ...indicates the use of the same word or phrase multiple times

  • Q7

    A poem in which the first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase is called an...

    open poem

    acrostic poem


    ABC poem

  • Q8

    A poem written to tell a story, often about a major event is called...

    an ode

    a haiku

    a ballad

    a cinquain

  • Q9

    A five-line poem that tells a story and only has two syllables in the first and last lines is called...

    free verse

    an ode

    a cinquain

    a haiku

  • Q10

    An unrhymed, 7-line poem with lines 1 and 7 the shortest and line 4 the longest is called...

    a cinquain

    a haiku

    a diamonte

    an ode

  • Q11

    A 3-line poem with a total of 17 syllables is called...


    a haiku

    a cinquain

    an ode

  • Q12

    A humorous, 5-line poem with an AABBA rhyme scheme is called...

    a haiku

    an ode

    a cinquain

    a limerick

  • Q13

    A short, rhyming poem with 14 lines is called...

    a limerick

    a sonnet

    an ode

    a haiku

  • Q14

    A poem written in mourning following a death is called...

    a narrative

    an elegy

    a sonnet

    an ode

  • Q15

    A poem written in a way that the words form a shape is called...

    a haiku

    concrete poetry

    narrative poetry

    free verse


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