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Policy, Settlements and Exposure

Quiz by Varun

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    If the policy number and Invoice are the same, How will the LP remind you to check this?

    The system will make a sound.

    By sending you a email. 

    Both Policy number and Invoice will be red and when you hover your mouse over it. It will show you the reason. 

    Numbers will start swinging in policy tab. 

  • Q2

    How ill you know how to settle Directly to a underwriter in the Policies tab?

    The underwriter will be in red and when you point your mouse over it, it will tell you the reason. 

    By asking Jason. 

    By sending you the email.

    By making a executive decision. 

  • Q3

    What does the Outstanding invoice number stand for in Settlements?

    It Signifies the a hidden game in LP

    It Signifies the  Invoice numbers that are missing from the Settlements. 

    It Signifies the  more money you can somehow get from the Client.

    It Signifies the  invoice that are standing outside. 

  • Q4

    Can we see the quote settlements on LP? True or False?



  • Q5

    Exposure tab will show you in Red if?

    We are not making any money on the deal

    Net income is negative for a Positive total settlement and Net flat rate should not be below 0.80%,.

    If the brokers favorite color is blue

    Its will be there when its time to play golf with the broker. 

  • Q6

    Where else can we see the MNE other than the exposure tab.

    In our paperwork

    None of the above.

    In the header

    In the eyes of the broker


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