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Potential Sources of Conflict - What Do You Remember?

Quiz by Theresa Stewart

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    What best describes the definition for 'conflict'?

    A collaborative effort to achieve common objectives

    A disagreement between two or more organizational members.

    A harmonious interaction between two parties

    A polite disagreement between individuals.

  • Q2

    When team members have to rely on each other to accomplish their tasks, what source of conflict arises?

    Leadership issues


    Goal incompatibility 

    Inadequate training

  • Q3

    Which of the following is an example of goal incompatibility?

    A manager and an employee clash over job performance expectations.

    Teams need to collaborate on a project with a tight deadline. 

    A project runs over budget due to unexpected expenses.

    Two colleagues disagree on where to go for lunch.

  • Q4

    When two employees are constantly competing for a promotion or a raise, what source of conflict is evident?

    Resource scarcity

    Employee recognition

    Goal incompatibility

    Ineffective leadership

  • Q5

    In two sentences or less, state why you think it would benefit managers within an organization to have an understanding of the different sources of conflict.

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