PPSSH Domain 5: Building Connections
Quiz by Easter Borallo
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- Q1
There is a decrease in the school population. It goes without saying that there is an excess teacher. Whom are you going to declare as excess, a new teacher with high performance or an old timer with low performance?
Excess the old timer and retain the new teache
Consider both the felt need of the school and the length of service when declaring excess
Refer the matter to the Division Office
Retain the old timer and retain the new teacher
30s - Q2
A complaint from a parent through phone was received by the School head. It was about her teacher. She told the parent to write a formal written complaint. The following day, the parent came to her office with the letter. What must be appropriately done by the school head?
Indorse the formal written complaint to the superintendent for formal indorsement to the regional director
Ignore the letter of the parent
Finish the teacher copy of the written complaint and ask him/her to answer within seven working days.
Ask the teacher to have a dialogue with the Parent
30s - Q3
Principal X had a dialogue with his property custodian after learning that the number of armchairs delivered in the school before he arrived as priricipal exceeded to what was requested. What must be done by Principal X?
1. Ask the teachers to replace their dilapidated desks by the newly delivered armchairs
2. Order the custodian to prepare necessary documents, for the disposal of excess armchairs
Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
30s - Q4
A principal received a communication coming from the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent. She was being required to respond in writing why she was not able to respond to the communication sent to her. What could she have done?
1. Reply must contain action taken on the request
2. Process important documents within the specified time
Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question
Each stalement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
30s - Q5
As a principal of a school, you take the lead in promoting the welfare of the community. You know that a successful school-community cannot function as a detached organization concerned only with the teaching of knowledge. What kind of activities should therefore be undertaken in addition to the regular duties of your school?
DepEd-directed activities
community-directed activities
school-directed activities
Professional-directed activities
30s - Q6
Principals cannot exercise instructional leadership in alone. They need support from teachers, students, parents and the community. Which of the following best elaborate this premise?
1. The provision of instructional leadership can be viewed as a responsibility that is shared by a community of people both within and outside the school and external stakeholders) improvement according to their own abilities styles and contextual circumstances. They will need a lot of help from others if improvement is to become norm.
2. A school-community partnership provides opportunities for community members to support the improvement of student learning. Their role is crucial in transforming schools into a safe and conducive leaming environment.
3. The involvement of division and district leaders, school heads, teachers, students, the organizations, community development groups, and business, civic and religious organizations will ensure the success of plans and activities. As stakeholders, they will be able to work together and share the vision and accountability for student's learning outcomes.
4. It is also advisable for principals to encourage their teachers to enroll in graduate courses in Education. Allow teachers to attend In-Service training Activities and Recommend them to perform demonstration lessons or be resource speakers. As they do all of these, provide them with all necessary assistance and rewards for their works.
1, 2 and 4
1, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
30s - Q7
The Department of Education has offcially institutionalized Partnership as an indispensable element in school improvement through a DepEd unumbered memorandum dated July 1, 1999. It emphasized thit at the school cluster school level, any existing organization such as Parents-Teachers- Community Association, Non-Government Organization and Barangay Council that demonstrates interest in collaborative problem-solving of the community's educational needs and deficiencies will be generically called School-Community Partners. As such, in which of the following areas can stakeholders best participate?
1. Quality Curriculum Development: Relevant and need-based curriculum and High level of instruction enable all children to meet challenging academic standards and use all mmmunity assets as resources for learning.
2. Learning at Home: Families help children do their homework. They are also involved fot other curriculum-related activities and decisions.
3. Remediation and Enrichment Classes: Parents and retired teachers are involved in the School Reading Remediation and Learning Enrichment programs by replacing exhausted teachers in the conduct of the said remediation and enrichment activities.
4. Work Programs: Students are given tle opportunity to work in relevant establishments in the community as-part of tle school public relations program. The work experience of the students in the will help them develop proper work ethics.
1, 2 and 4
1, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
30s - Q8
The Department of Education has offcially institutionalized Partnership as an indispensable element in school improvement through a DepEd unumbered memorandum dated July 1, 1999. It emphasized thit at the school cluster school level, any existing organization such as Parents-Teachers- Community Association, Non-Government Organization and Barangay Council that demonstrates interest in collaborative problem-solving of the community's educational needs and deficiencies will be generically called School-Community Partners. As such, in which of the following areas can stakeholders best participate?
1. Quality Curriculum Development: Relevant and need-based curriculum and High level of instruction enable all children to meet challenging academic standards and use all mmmunity assets as resources for learning.
2. Learning at Home: Families help children do their homework. They are also involved fot other curriculum-related activities and decisions.
3. Remediation and Enrichment Classes: Parents and retired teachers are involved in the School Reading Remediation and Learning Enrichment programs by replacing exhausted teachers in the conduct of the said remediation and enrichment activities.
4. Work Programs: Students are given tle opportunity to work in relevant establishments in the community as-part of tle school public relations program. The work experience of the students in the will help them develop proper work ethics.
1, 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 3
1, 2 and 4
2, 3 and 4
30s - Q9
Enabling schools to continuously perform better depends mainly on the abilityof the school to top and use resources effectively and efficiently. As guided by the principles of School-Based Management (SBM), schools in collaboration with stakeholders shall:
1. Develop interventions to improve teaching processes, and draw greater support from parents, LGU and community organizations.
2. Undertake self-evaluation to formulate their own improvement plans and determine resources needed to improve teaching-learning processes.
3. Continue to re-engineer systems and procedures to increase their effieciency, like but not limited to procurement of goods and services. financial management, pay roll services, management information system and teacher's welfare.
4. Convene SPT together on a regular basis, to monitor and evaluate school programs, projects and activities for further adjustments and continuous improvement.
1, 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 4
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
30s - Q10
What would be the implication to the entire school-community, if the school receiving the orders from SDO the assigned targets will just follow them as they are without deviation
I. The school-community is bound for failure because it will lost its peculiar
II. The school-community is bound for success for it will have few concerns to look onto.
III. The school's capacity to absorb DepEd's targets by localizing them to fit in the school sytem while integrating resources and processes to address priority problems through iterative and consultative approach will allow the school-community perform well.
IV. will be relieved of extra work. This will unload teachers of their related works. Thus the whole school will have a light journey towards the end of every school year.
30s - Q11
The school improvement plan is developed using a process that examines the possible improvement areas for the school and then prioritizes these for further action. It makes use of Continuous Improvement Methodology One of its three stages is Analyze. How would you know that you are already at this stage?
I. You realize that to be successful in solving a problem, it is imprortant to first identify what the problem and understand fully what the problem is all about.
II.You are made awaren of the need to validate the root causes of the problem by collecting data from learners and other stakeholders.
Ⅲ. You gain better understanding of why the problem occurs or its root causes through tools such as the Fishbone Diagram and or Problem Tree.
IV. You pilot the solutions, review the results and then roll-out to the rest of the school.
30s - Q12
The following are some of the priveleges of a recognizePTAs except for one?
represent the school in the school governing council
to collect voluntary contribution from parent/guardian members
interferring in the academic and administrative management and operations of the school
authorize to undertake fund-raising activities to support the school
30s - Q13
As a school head, how are you going to act on the recommendation letter of your Mayor one of his constituent for a Teaching position in your school?
Hold a dialogue to explain the policy on teacher hiring
refer the recommendation to the school division office for appropriate action
Adjust the school registry of qualified applicants with the consent of the committee
hire the recommendee using the school MOOE
30s - Q14
The following are the rules on financial statement report of the PTA except for one?
Failure to submit such financial report shall be a ground for the cancellation of the recognition of the PTA
All cash advances can be allowed without valid liquidation
Annual financial Statement signed jointly by the PTA officers shall be submitted to the school head
book of account and financial report shall be made available for inspection
30s - Q15
As stipulated in DepEd Order No. 54 series 2009, Revised Guidelines Governing Parents-Teachers Association (PTAS) at the School Level, every elementary and secondary school shall organize Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of issues and their solutions related to the total school program and to ensure full cooperation of parents in the efficient implementation of such program. What are the privileges of recognized PTA?
I. Representation in the School Governing Council
II. Participation in the school' procurement activities subject to the provision of RA 9184
III. Authorized to collect voluntary from parents/guardians once duly recognized by the School Head
IV. May use of any available space within the school premises and its office provided that the costs pertinent utilities shall be for the account of the PTA
II, III and IV only
I, II and III only
I, II, III and IV
I, III and IV only