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PPSSH Reviewer Part 2

Quiz by Angkol

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46 questions
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  • Q1
    Activities planned by school clubs/organizations show school-community connection geared towards society’s needs. What philosophy is related to this?
  • Q2
    The following are TRUE regarding Islam except
    Comes from the Arabic word “al-islam” which means an act of committing oneself unreservedly to God.
    Pays reverence to ALLAH who will tried each person on the judgment day
    Whoever disobeys the will of Allah will suffer the consequences
    Has Five pillars: belief in Allah, prayer (3x a day), fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage).
  • Q3
    Republic Act No. 10533 encourage examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations be based on local culture, history, and reality. This makes the lessons relevant to the learners and easy to understand. What is this process called?
    None of the above
    Integration & Contextualization
    Contextualization & Enhancement
    Enhancement & Integration
  • Q4
    Children learn better and are more active in class and learn a second language even faster when they are first taught in a language they understand. Based from the new K-12 curriculum. What level will the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education be implemented?
  • Q5
    The K-12 curriculum has the following features: Basic concepts/general concepts are first learned; More complex and sophisticated version of the basic/general concepts are then rediscovered in the succeeding grades; This strengthens retention and enhances mastery of topics and skills as they are revisited and consolidated time and again; and This also allows learners to learn topics and skills appropriate to their developmental and cognitive skills. What do you call this concept in the curriculum?
    Vertical Progression
    Linear Progression
    Spiral Progression
    Horizontal Progression
  • Q6
    What are specialized subjects that are being offered in the Enhanced K-12 Curriculum?
    Academic, Sports, Arts and Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks
    Academic, Science, Arts and Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks
    Academic, Sports, Arts and Music, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks
    Academic, Engineering, Arts and Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks
  • Q7
    One of the ten points Basic Education Agenda of President Aquino is that all public school children will have preschool as their introduction to formal schooling by 2016, and it will be made this available to all children regardless of income. This means that __________.
    Madaris education as a sub-system within the education system
    Universal Preschooling for All
    Technical vocational education as an alternative stream in senior high school
    12 years Basic Education Cycle
  • Q8
    According to President Aquino in his ten points Basic Education Agenda “I will build more schools in areas where there are no public or private schools in partnership with local governments, as well address our persistent classroom and teacher shortages. We need more schools with smaller populations so that teachers, students and parents can form a real learning community.”
    Technical vocational education as an alternative stream in senior high school
    Assistance to private schools as essential partners in basic education
    Covenant with the local governments to build more schools
    Madaris education as a sub-system within the education system
  • Q9
    In the light of conflicts in Israel and Palestine, North and South Korea, Pakistan and India, which among the Pillars of Education for 21st Century is Crucial?
    Learning to do
    Learning to know
    Learning to be
    Learning to Live together
  • Q10
    The following statements are effective strategies in dealing with violence in school setting EXCEPT one?
    Identify a range of strategies and services to help both the perpetrators of violence and the victims
    Encourage buying of toy guns among elementary school students.
    Include elements of peace education in all relevant parts of the curriculum
    Develop and follow procedures which encourage the reporting of violence and its investigation
  • Q11
    Which of the following legal bases of Philippine Educational system cannot be considered as a Republic Act?
    Teachers Professionalization Act
    Education Act of 1982
    Code of Ethics for Teachers
    Magna Carta for Public School Teacher
  • Q12
    Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood is exemplified as prescribed by RA 8491 or Heraldic Code of the Philippines?
    There is a class program. It started with the singing of the National Anthem.
    When Miss Aguas asked her Grade II students in what country they wish to live, most of them chose Australia.
    The boys opted to make a choral rendition of the theme song of the movie “Titanic.”
    The class was asked which brand of chocolate they would rather have, no one chose “chocnut.”
  • Q13
    Mr. Right, a Math teacher has been accused of sexual harassment by one of her student. What laws will be used in convicting or acquitting Mr. Right?
    RA 7877
    RA 8187
    RA 7624
    RA 578
  • Q14
    Which situation shows a desirable relationship between teachers and other groups of people?
    The new teacher was requested to help the barangay council in a case involving one of his students. He declined.
    Mr. Tiglao feels that the barangay council is against his plans; so, he does not consult the council even if there is a need for it.
    Mrs. Magsino, a new-assigned principal to Barangay San Andres, calls on the barangay Chairman
    The principal does her own way of campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the school; she never gets involved with the same campaign of the barangay officials.
  • Q15
    In order for teachers to resolve conflict systematically and sustained, teachers should understand the nature and principles of conflicts. The following principles below will help teachers in identifying major causes of conflicts among students in a classroom setting EXCEPT one?
    Conflict is ongoing and dynamic
    Conflict is a normal part of any relationships
    Conflict is negative
    Conflict is part of life

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