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Quiz by Jasmin Rayos

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  • Q1

    It is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narrative data in order to gain insights into a phenomenon of interest (Bueno, 2017).

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  • Q2

    It is a method that includes the analysis of the characteristics of the narrative text, and recently of the meaning of inter-human relations in social, historical, and cultural contexts (Felton & Stickley, 2018). It focuses on people’s narratives either about themselves or a set of events. Instead of looking for themes that emerge from an account, it concentrates on the sequential unfolding of someone’s story, so there is an emphasis on characters. It is time-consuming and usually includes a very small number of cases (Hancock et al., 2009).

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  • Q3

    The meaning of the phenomenon is conceptualized in the interior of the individual’s awareness. Phenomenology is an approach to explore people’s everyday life experience. It is used when the study is about the life experiences of a concept or phenomenon experienced by one or more individuals. A phenomenological researcher investigates subjective phenomena (Creswell, 2009).

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  • Q4

    “A detailed and systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of materials for the purpose of identifying patterns, themes, or biases.” It was first used as a method for analyzing hymns, newspapers and magazines, articles, advertisements, and political speeches in the 19th century (Harwood & Garry, 2003).

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  • Q5

    This is an approach to theory development grounded/rooted in the data rather than empirical testing of the theory, that is, data are collected and analyzed, and then a theory is developed which is grounded in the data (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).

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  • Q6

    It is an emergent inquiry process that integrates theory and action to couple scientific knowledge with existing organizational knowledge and to address real organizational problems together with the people of the system under inquiry (Coghlan, 2011).

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  • Q7

    Creswell (2009) defined it as a study where “Researcher makes an in-depth exploration of a program, an event, an activity, a process, or one or more individuals”.

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  • Q8

    It is the most intensive and in-depth observational qualitative approach. The word ethnography comes from Greek ethnos which means ‘folk, people, and nation’, and grapho means ‘I write’. Therefore, ethnography has a setting in anthropology, which means ‘portrait of a people’. It represents an approach in which the researcher engages in prolonged observations from the group’s everyday life. In this type of research, behaviors, values, and interactions among the members of the group are deeply studied, described, and interpreted by the researcher (Creswell, 2014).

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  • Q9

    It is one of the methods to describe how and where the study started, how it is developed during time, and where it stands at present.

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  • Q10

    It is an umbrella term used to refer to the theoretical perspective designs, such as narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, action research, case study, ethnography, historical research, and content analysis (Creswell, 2009). 

    Qualitative Research


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