Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic review
Quiz by Dana Mimick
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18 questions
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- Q1During which time did the Earth have two super continents?CenozoicPaleozoicMesozoicPrecambrian30s
- Q2During which time was the climate very warm or tropical?PaleozoicPrecambrianMesozoicCenozoic30s
- Q3During which time was the Earth experiencing an ice age?PrecambrianMesozoicCenozoicPaleozoic30s
- Q4Which time went from 4.6 bya -570 mya?CenozoicMesozoicPaleozoicPrecambrian30s
- Q5During which time were trilobites a common living thing?MesozoicCenozoicPrecambrianPaleozoic30s
- Q6What are the dates of the Paleozoic Era250 mya - 65 mya4.6 bya - 570 mya570 mya - 250 mya65 mya -today30s
- Q7During which time was bacteria the common living thing?PrecambrianMesozoicCenozoicPaleozoic30s
- Q8What is the Age of the reptiles?MesozoicPrecambrianCenozoicPaleozoic30s
- Q9During which time in the Earth's history were volcanoes erupting constantly and meteors were hitting the Earth?PaleozoicPrecambrianMesozoicCenozoic30s
- Q10During which time did the two super continents collide forming a super super continent and then break into our present day continents?MesozoicPaleozoicPrecambrianCenozoic30s
- Q11During which time was the atmosphere made primarily of nitrogenMesozoicPaleozoicPrecambrianCenozoic30s
- Q12What time was between 250 mya - and 65 mya?PrecambrianPaleozoicMesozoicCenozoic30s
- Q13Which is known as the Age of Invertebrates?CenozoicMesozoicPrecambrianPaleozoic30s
- Q14During which era was life found mainly in the oceans?PrecambrianPaleozoicMesozoicCenozoic30s
- Q15Which time is known as the Age of ReptilesCenozoicPaleozoicMesozoicPrecambrian30s