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Quiz by Training Events

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    After discussions within the framework of the WIPO standing Committee on the Law of Patents, there is today an agreed on definition of the term "Patentability Quality" between all member states patent offices.

    True or False
  • Q2

    Which of the following can be excluded from patentability according to TRIPS agreement?

    Process of producing new chemical entity

    Mobile phones

    A juice dispenser that stimulates dispensing of fresh juice

    New horse species

  • Q3

    Which of the following is true about the disclosure of the invention?

    Members are not allowed to require the applicant to indicate the best mode for carrying out the invention known to the inventor at the filing or at the priority date of the application

    An applicant must keep the know how secret

    An applicant for a patent shall disclose the invention in an unclear manner

    The disclosure must be sufficient so that a person of ordinary skill could reproduce the invention

  • Q4

    …….represent the legal protection of the invention in the patent application.

    The claims

    The prior art

    The abstract

    The full description

  • Q5

    A patent application..…..

    I don’t know

    can claim several inventions

    must claim one invention or a group of closely related inventions

    can claim 3 inventions not related to each other

  • Q6

    TRIPS agreement indicated minimum protection duration for a patent which is ……

    25 years from the date of filling the application

    20 years from the date of granting the patent

    20 years from the date of filling the application

    15 years can be renewed for another 5 years

  • Q7

    What are the patentability criteria? select the most appropriate answer

    Unity and disclosure

    Unity, inventive step and industrial applicability

    Novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability

    Disclosure and novelty

  • Q8

    According to the PCT timeline, the patent application is published after……. from filing the international patent application.

    19 months

    12 months

    18 months

    30 months

  • Q9

    An “X” document in the international search report

    Renders claimed invention not novel 

    Renders claimed invention not inventive taken alone

    Renders claimed invention not inventive combined with other document

    Affect the whole claimed invention in general

  • Q10

    Which statement about International Patent Classification (IPC) is correct?

    Electronic classification tools are 100% accurate

    Each patent document should have only one IPC symbol

    IPC overcomes language and terminology barriers

    IPC is the only available patent classification system


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