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Presenting Descriptive Statistics

Quiz by kendall henson

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6 questions
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  • Q1

     graphs of categorical variables where proportions are represented as portion of the “pie”

    Pie chart

    Line graph

    Bar chart

  • Q2

    graphs of data for continuous variables where each value is graphed as a point and the points are connected to show differences between scores

    Line Graph

    Bar Graph

    Pie Graph

  • Q3

    graphs of data for categorical variables where the bar height represents the size of the value

    Line graph

    Pie graph

    Bar graph

  • Q4

    responses are in nominal and ordinal scale of measurement that cannot be divided into smaller units

    Categorical variables

    Continuous Variables

  • Q5

    responses are numerical scores that can be subdivided into smaller units

    categorical variables

    Continuous variables

  • Q6

    What are the two ways to create graphs?

    Microsoft Word and Microsoft slides

    Excel and SPSS

    Google Docs and Google Slides


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