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Presidential Random Knowledge

Quiz by Samantha Pavelka

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    Which President never married?
    William Taft
    Chester A. Arthur
    James Buchanan
    Grover Cleveland
  • Q2
    Which President married his daughter?
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Grover Cleveland
    Warren G. Harding
    Herbert Hoover
  • Q3
    Which President has only a letter for his middle name?
    Harry S Truman
    William S Taft
    Franklin D Roosevelt
    Ulysses S Grant
  • Q4
    Which President lost the White House China in a poker game?
    John F Kennedy
    James Buchanan
    Warren Harding
    Harry S Truman
  • Q5
    Which President taught his parrot to curse?
    James Polk
    Andrew Jackson
    William Henry Harrison
    Martin Van Buren
  • Q6
    Which President vomited on a foreign dignitary?
    Ronald Reagan
    John F Kennedy
    George H W Bush
    Theodore Roosevelt
  • Q7
    Where was the US Capitol when Washington was in office?

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