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Quiz by Haemodynamic UMMC

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  • Q1

    How long before surgery should a patient ideally have a preoperative assessment?

    2-4 days

    > 6 months

    2-4 months

    2-4 weeks

  • Q2

    A 68-year old man comes to pre-surgical testing clinic for a cataract repair. He has a past medical history significant for Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. He develops shortness of breath when he walks up the stairs and gets chest pain when he used a lawn mower last month. His ECG is normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 72 and significant for a left axis deviation and left ventricular hypertrophy. 

    Which of the following is the best next step in managing this patient?

    Proceed with surgery without further testing

    Order a CPET

    Order an echocardiogram

    Order an exercise stress test

  • Q3

    Which of the following is the LEAST invasive method of calculating cardiac output?


    Volume clamp (Penaz method) eg Finapress

    Lithium dilution, eg LIDCO

    Indirect Fick Method

  • Q4

    You are explaining to a medical student how the cardiac output is calculated. If you assume that each factor acts independently, a doubling of which of the following factors will lead to the largest increase in cardiac output?


    Heart rate



  • Q5

    Which of the following best describes the microcirculation?

    The mean arterial pressure reliably predicts microcirculatory perfusion and oxygenation

    Capillary refill time is a reliable alternative to lactate measurement in septic shock

    ScVO2 measurement in Early Goal Directed Therapy contributes to reduced sepsis mortality

    A low central venous-arterial PCO2 gradient (Pcv-aCO2) reflects tissue hypoperfusion

  • Q6

    The following best describes the capillaries :

    Transcapillary filtration occurs at the venule end of the capillary

    Hypervolaemia increases endothelial glycocalyx shedding

    The gut microcirculation probe is the most used capillary flow monitor

    Low syndecan-1 and heparan sulphate levels reflect high endothelial glycocalyx shedding

  • Q7

    Which of the following would be the condition where pulse pressure variation is less reliable and would give a false negative result?

    Spontaneous breathing

    Low tidal volume

    Cardiac arrhythmias

    Intraabdominal hypertension

  • Q8

    The following tests for fluid responsiveness will need the measurement of cardiac output or its surrogates, EXCEPT 

    Mini fluid challenge

    Tidal volume challenge

    Passive leg raising

    End-expiratory occlusion test

  • Q9

    The most important function of cardiac output is to

    Remove carbon dioxide from peripheral tissues

    Maintain blood flow

    Provide tissue oxygenation

    Maintain acid base balance

  • Q10

    The Frank Starling curve describes the relationship between the initial length of myocardial fibres and the force generated during contraction. 

    In a heart with normal function, this means : 

    Reducing preload at the steep part of the curve leads to a smaller stroke volume

    Increasing preload throughout the curve leads to a larger stroke volume

    Increasing preload at the flat part of the curve reduces the stroke volume

    Increasing preload at the steep part of the curve leads to a larger stroke volume

  • Q11

    Which of the following is NOT part of the oxygen delivery equation?





  • Q12

    Which of the following statements concerning the nervous regulation of the circulation is correct?

    The baroreceptors are mainly responsible for the long-term regulation of systemic blood pressure

    If the arterial pressure suddenly falls, the baroreceptor reflex increases the heart rate

    The baroreceptors have no effect on the cardiac contractility

    The baroreceptors are found in the aortic and carotid bodies

  • Q13

    Regarding advance intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring

    A high cardiac output indicate adequate microcirculation and regional blood flow

    Cardiac output was derived by Stewart Hamilton principle of thermodilution curve

    Functional hemodynamic parameters todetermine fluid responsiveness is not affected by chest compliance

    Pulse contour analysis is accuratein event of frequent ventricular ectopics

  • Q14

    Which of the following is not the function of endothelial glycocalyx?

    ATP production

    Vascular permeability


    Control of coagulation

  • Q15

    The following statements are true about the VTI variation except

    VTI variation is calculated as thedifference between the maximum and the minimum VTI divided by the mean of thetwo values

    VTI variation has a very highsensitivity and specificity

    VTI variationof more than 12% predicts fluid responsiveness

    VTI variation uses parasternal longaxis view


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