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  • Q1

    Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel’s class. What concept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among the learners in terms of height and weight?





  • Q2

    Which situation best illustrates theconcept of growth?

    An elementary grader has learned to play piano.

    A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.

    An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching different subjects.

    A high school student gets a score of 85 in a mental ability test.

  • Q3

    Which statements below best describes development?

    A high school student’s height increased from 5’2” to 5’4”

    A student’s enlargement of hips

    A student had learned to operate the computer.

    A high school student’s change in weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs

  • Q4

    What concept can best describes Francisco’s ability to walk without a support at age of 12 months because of the “internal ripening” that occurred in his muscles, bones and nervous system development?





  • Q5

    Teacher Jesus in now 69 years old has been observing changes in himself such as the aging process. Which term refers to the development change in the individual?





  • Q6

    In Piaget’s theory of cognitivedevelopment, a child between birth to two years that is during the sensorimotorperiod does not see things in abstract forms. Therefore, in teachingMathematics to young children, the

    useof pictures may not be necessary

    concrete stage should precede the abstract stage

    abstractstage should preceded the concrete stage

    useof concrete objects may not be necessary

  • Q7

    When the individuals is said to be in the integrity rather than despair stage in Erikson’s theory, what does this mean?

    Developed a self-concept that he can accept and is pleased with his/her role in life and what he produces.

    Individual is able to work positively andcreatively.

    Satisfied with his status among his/her peers in work   skills.

    He/She issure of his/her own identity.

  • Q8

    Mrs. Tiglao observed that her seven year old pupil plays with his penis while she was explaining the lesson of the day. What should Mrs. Tiglao do?

    Scold the pupil so he will stop.

    Ignorethe pupil and let him continue.

    Do anactivity to divert his attention to stop what he is doing.

    Tell pupil to stop what he is doing.

  • Q9

    According to Erikson’s theory, a person undergoes eight psychosocial stages of development. In which stage is the individual in, if he learns to win recognition by being productive and work becomes pleasurable and learns to persevere?

    Generativity vs.Stagnation

    Industry vs. Inferiority

    Initiative vs. Guilt

    Identity vs. Role Confusion

  • Q10

    While Grace was cleaning the room, she found a wallet near the teacher’s table. Ana decided to give the wallet to the teacher. In Kohlberg’s theory, what stage did she exemplify?

    Goodboy – Nice girl

    Social Contract

    Law and Order

    UniversalEthical Principle

  • Q11

    When a student displays aggressivebehavior in the class, what should the teacher do?

    Sendthe student out of the classroom.

    Ignorethe student.

    Threatenthe student to win confidence.

    Model non-violent conflict-resolution strategies.

  • Q12

    The superego according to Freud’s iceberg is in the

    none of these


    Conscious level

    Preconscious level 

  • Q13

    The age level which tends to be most teachable is the





  • Q14

    At this stage of moral development,individuals regard laws and rules as flexible instruments for furthering humanpurposes.


    Instrumental Relativist

    Law and order

    Social Contract

  • Q15

    Mrs. Alfechecalled the parents to a meeting regarding the common behavioral problems amongchildren. Which of the following should she emphasize?  problems that the child experiences

    Behavioral problems are caused by environmental factors

    Patterns of problem behavior arise because of the adjustment

    Remedial measures are more effective than preventive measures.

    It is perfectly normal to encounter disciplinary problems in school


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