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Professional Education 20-Items Drill Test Part 1

Quiz by John Nhoel Bernabe

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    How does measurement differ from evaluation?

    Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process of organizing data.

    Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is giving meaning to the numerical value of the trait.

    Measurement is gathering data while assessment is quantifying the data gathered.

    Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of testing.

  • Q2

    Miss Pacatang rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some laboratory equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow the specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss Pacatang use?

    Traditional Assessment

    Journal Assessment

    Portfolio Assessment

    Performance-Based Assessment

  • Q3

    Who among the teachers below performed a formative evaluation?

    Ms. Roces who gave a ten-item test to find out the specific lessons which the students failed to understand.

    Mr. Isaac who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine the outcome of instruction.

    Ms. Mary who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who among her students understood what she was trying to stress.

    Mrs. Bandi who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.

  • Q4

    East Academy gave a standardized achievement test instead of giving a teacher-made test to the graduating elementary pupils. Which could have been the reason why this was the kind of test given?

    Standardized test uses multiple-choice format while teacher-made test uses the essay test format.

    Standardized test has items of average level of difficulty while teacher-made test has varying levels of difficulty.

    Standardized test is valid while teacher-made tests is just reliable.

    Standardized test is used for mastery while teacher-made test is used for survey.

  • Q5

    Which test format is best to use if the purpose of the test is to relate inventors and their inventions?


    Table of Scopes


    Matching Type

  • Q6

    In the parlance of index of test construction, what does TOS mean?

    Table of Specifications

    Table of Specifics

    Table of Scopes

    Terms of Specifications

  • Q7

    Here is the item:

    “From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported by the data.”

    Under what type of question does this item fall?





  • Q8

    The following are synonymous to performance objectives EXCEPT:

    Learner’s objective

    Behavioral objective

    Instructional objective

    Teacher’s objective

  • Q9

    Which is (are) (a) norm-referenced statement?

    Elias performed better in spelling than 60% of his classmates.

    Elias spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly.

    Elias was able to spell 90% of the words correctly and spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly.

    Elias was able to spell 90% of the words correctly.

  • Q10

    Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item?

    EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE ________________________.

    It is open to more than one correct answer.

    The blank is at the end of the question.

    The length of the blank suggests the answer.

    The central problem is not packed in the stem.

  • Q11

    Which does NOT belong to the group?

    Multiple Choice



    Alternate Response

  • Q12

    A test is considered reliable if

    It is easy to administer

    It is consistent and stable

    It is easy to score

    It served the purpose for which it is constructed

  • Q13

    Which is claimed to be the overall advantage of criterion-referenced over norm-referenced interpretation?

    An individual’s score is compared with that of his peers.

    An individual’s score does not need to be compared with any measure.

    An individual’s score is compared with the average scores.

    An individual’s score is compared with the set mastery level.

  • Q14

    Teacher Rosiel does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do?

    She compares every individual student score with others’ scores.

    She describes group of performance in relation to a level of master set.

    She describes what should be their performance.

    She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.

  • Q15

    All examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score distribution will be ________________.

    negatively skewed


    positively skewed

    perfect normal curve


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