Psychodynamic approach - outline
Quiz by Jen Curran
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- Q1
In which stage does the Oedipus complex take place?
60s - Q2
What is the main assumption of the psychodynamic approach?
There is a physical basis to our thoughts, behaviours and emotions
Internal mental processes control our behaviour, thoughts and emotions
Conflicts in the unconscious mind are the driving force behind our behaviours, thoughts and emotions
Behaviours, thoughts and emotions are learned through interactions with our environment
60s - Q3
The psychodynamic approach states that unconscious forces motivate our behaviour
truefalseTrue or False60s - Q4
The psychodynamic approach states that conscious forces motivate our behaviour
falsetrueTrue or False60s - Q5
Freud believed that the most influential part of the mind is the vast inaccessible area that we are not aware of. This is called the...
Users enter free textType an Answer60s - Q6
Which part of the tripartite personality is the 'pleasure principle'?
60s - Q7
Which part of the tripartite personality is the 'morality principle'?
60s - Q8
Which part of the tripartite personality is the 'reality principle'?
60s - Q9
At what age does the superego develop?
6 - 11 years old
18 months - 3 years old
Birth - 18 months
3 - 6 years old
60s - Q10
At what age does the ego develop?
6 - 11 years old
From birth
18 months - 3 years old
3 - 6 years old
60s - Q11
The id is present from birth
truefalseTrue or False60s - Q12
The ego balances the demands of the superego and the real world
falsetrueTrue or False60s - Q13
Which of the following is 'transferring feelings from the true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute object'?
60s - Q14
Put the psychosexual stages in the correct order.
Users link answersLinking30s - Q15
Which one of the following statements is false?
Repression can lead to unpleasant memories causing distress
Repression causes people to have difficulty accessing unpleasant memories
Repression involves people choosing to forget unpleasant memories
Repression involves unpleasant memories being kept from conscious awareness