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Psychological Disorders and Treatments

Quiz by Angela Pensyl

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40 questions
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  • Q1

    Research on the prognosis for recovering from schizophrenia suggests that:

    Many people learn to control the symptoms and live productive lives.

    If the onset is gradual, then the prognosis is relatively good.

    The outlook is not as favorable if the symptoms appeared abruptly.

    Relapses lead to quicker recovery. 

  • Q2

    The primary goal of _______ is to find meaning in life and accept inevitable losses.

    Behavior Therapy

    Cognitive Therapy

    Humanist Therapy

    Existential Therapy

  • Q3

    After surviving a commuter train derailment, John experienced frequent, vivid thoughts and images of the accident for several months. He also had problems sleeping and was irritable and withdrawn. John is suffering from:

    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Major Depression

    Panic Disorder

  • Q4

    ________ refers to the fear of heights.





  • Q5

    The biological and learning models of addiction differ in their explanations of drug abuse and in their proposed solutions. According to the biological model:

    People can grow beyond the need for alcohol

    The solution is medical treatment and group support.

    The degree of addiction will vary, depending on the situation.

    Most problem drinkers can learn to drink in moderation.

  • Q6

    Ryan suffers from schizophrenia. He often mixes up words and ends up talking about things that make no sense. Which symptom of schizophrenia is Ryan exhibiting?



    Grossly disorganized and inappropriate behavior

    Disorganized, Incoherent Speech

  • Q7

    Which of the following statements is true of schizophrenia with regard to prenatal problems?

    Damage to the fetus may occur if the mother gets the flu virus during the first four months of prenatal development.

    Maternal diabetes and emotional stress do not contribute to schizophrenia.

    Children with very low birth weight have reduced risks of schizophrenia.

    Malnourishment of the mother does not affect the fetus.

  • Q8

    When a patient comes in complaining of a headache, the therapist views the headache as the tip of a mental iceberg, with the real problem hidden in the deep unconscious. Which type of therapy would this represent?





  • Q9

    Yani has spent the last five years receiving traditional psychoanalysis. How is the concept of "justification of effort" likely to affect his response when his friend asks Yani whether he would recommend this type of therapy?

    It will make Yani more likely to recommend it

    It will make Yani less likely to recommend it

    It will make Yani recommend psychoanalysis, but with a different therapist.

    It will have no effect on Yani because he has been seeing the therapist for so long.

  • Q10

    Georgina's treatment for bulimia and binge eating has been highly successful. It is most likely that her treatment involved a combination of:

    family intervention therapy and behavioral skills training

    psychodynamic therapy and humanist therapy

    cognitive therapy and behavior therapy

    systematic desensitization and exposure techniques

  • Q11

    ________ is a procedure used in cases of prolonged and severe major depression, in which a brief brain seizure is induced.

    Magnetic resonance therapy

    Electroconvulsive therapy

    Positron emission tomography


  • Q12

    The vulnerability–stress model describes:

    the behavior of insane people.

    the interpretation of ambiguous pictures by people.

    interactions between upsetting events and individual vulnerability that lead to a disorder.

    diagnostic categories of mental disorders.

  • Q13

    ________ is the process in which the client transfers unconscious emotions or reactions, such as emotional feelings about his or her parents, onto the therapist.





  • Q14

    People who drink in order to ________ have significantly more drinking problems than those who drink for other reasons.

    Be Sociable

    Disguise Anxiety

    Relax Under Stress

    Manage Servere Stress

  • Q15

    One immediate side effect of antipsychotic drugs is:

    Extreme Weight Gain

    Sudden Dementia




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