PTA 1100
Quiz by marisa miller
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19 questions
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- Q1Which is not a category of physical agents?mechanicalradiationthermal30s
- Q2The normal pulse rate range for an adult at rest should be60-10060-110100-13080-12030s
- Q3Tissue Healing has 3 repair phases. Which is the second phaseinflamationproliferationmaturation30s
- Q4Wound contraction BEGINS to occur approximately9 days2 weeks5 days post injury2 days30s
- Q5Blood pressure should be taken after patient has been non active for5 min1min8min2min30s
- Q6Best hygiene hand washing technique should usesanitizerbar soappump dispenser30s
- Q7Which one is NOT a pulse sitefemoralradialcarotidtemporal30s
- Q8Respiration in an adult should range from18-20 breaths per minute12-18 breaths per minute10-12 breaths per minute15-18 breaths per minute30s
- Q9Whirlpools and Fluidotherapy transfers heat byevaporationconductionconvectionconversion30s
- Q10In which stage of tissue healing does the injured area have the most amount of Collageninflammationmaturationproliferation30s
- Q11During BP reading, If the patients arm is lower than heart level, the BP will belowernormalhigher30s
- Q12Which one is NOT normal for Pulse during exerciseplateauno changeslowly declinesgradual incline30s
- Q13You only need to use hand hygiene when seeingpatients with droplet infectionspatients with Aidschildrenall patients30s
- Q14Prone positioning meansface uplying on sideface down on bellystanding30s
- Q15Pain that comes from a different area than its origination is calledReferred painchronic painacute pain30s