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  • Q1
    This journalistic writing presents recent events of general interest. It is composed of facts and its purpose is to inform. The first paragraph called the lead.
    opinion article
    feature article
    news article
    sports article
  • Q2
    It presents drama and excitement about games and competitions whether individual or team events. It is written like a news article where the lead paragraph contains the most important information. However, it uses words appropriate for a particular type of sports.
    news article
    sports article
    opinion article
    feature article
  • Q3
    It tells a story of human interest through detailed description. The story must be real and not a mere product of one’s imagination. Its purpose is to entertain more than inform. Its lead paragraph (introduction) must be able to grab and hold the attention of the readers.
    news article
    opinion article
    sports article
    feature article
  • Q4
    It expresses views of the writer (for columns), or staff and publisher of the newspaper (for editorial). Its first paragraph presents an important topic or issue based from the news. In some cases, it also contains the stand or position of the writer or staff on the issue taken up.
    feature article
    opinion article
    news article
    sports article
  • Q5
    This form of writing is different from stories that we used to read. It is used when writing for magazines, newspapers, television, radio, and online platform.
    Journalistic writing

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