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Qtr 1 Summative Review

Quiz by Tracy Buckley [Johnson JHS]

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    A bike stopped on a hill may start to roll backward because of ....
    an unbalanced force
    a moving force
    frictional force
    a balanced force
  • Q2
    Two students are arm wrestling. They are not moving because they are pushing
    the same direction with unequal force
    the same direction with equal force
    the opposite direction with unequal force
    in the opposite direction with equal force
  • Q3
    What is the net force of the object and which direction would it move?
    Question Image
    17 N right
    17 N left
  • Q4
    Which would cause a greater acceleration?
    10 N of force on a 100 kg object
    15 N of force on a 100 kg object
    15 N of force on a 1000 kg object
    10 N of force on a 1000 kg object
  • Q5
    What would make this a balanced force?
    Question Image
    add 3 N to the left side
    add 17 N to the left side
    add 17 N to the right side
    add 3 N to the right side
  • Q6
    A person throws a football 20 m and then a tennis ball the same distance. Which requires more force and why?
    they require the same force
    the football because it has more mass
    the tennis ball because it has less mass
  • Q7
    A cart with a mass of 100 kg accelerates when 10 N is applied. If the mass is doubled, how much force s required for the same acceleration?
    10 N
    200 N
    100 N
    20 N
  • Q8
    In tennis, the action force is the racket hitting the ball. What is the reaction force?
    the racket flying in the air
    the ball flying in the air
    the ball hitting the racket
  • Q9
    What does Newton's first law state?
    an object in motion will increase in speed with a balanced force
    an object in motion with stay in motion when the force is balanced
    an object at rest will remain at rest until an unbalanced force is applied
  • Q10
    A boy riding his bike hits a curb at 2 m/s. The boy will
    fall backward at a speed greater than 2 m/s
    fall backward at a speed of 2 m/s
    fall forward at a speed of 2 m/s
    fall forward a speed greater than 2 m/s
  • Q11
    Friction is determined by the amount of force on the opposing surfaces and
    the density
    the type of surface
    the temperature
    the volume
  • Q12
    What surface has the least amount of friction?
    tile floor
  • Q13
    What is used to calculate the speed of an object
    distance and time
    distance and acceleration
    force and mass
    mass and time
  • Q14
    Which of the following is not an example of acceleration?
    driving around a corner
    increasing the sped of the car
    continue to drive at the same speed
    slamming on the brakes
  • Q15
    A person is walking at a speed of 2 m/s. How far will they walk in 15 minutes?
    900 m
    60 m
    30 m
    1800 m

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