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Questions about social media digital footprint for 12 year olds

Quiz by Luke Tancred

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a digital footprint?
    A social media website
    A type of smartphone
    A type of shoe
    A record of your online activity
  • Q2
    Can the things you post online be seen by anyone?
    Only by your friends
    Only by your parents
  • Q3
    Is it okay to share personal information, like your address or phone number, online?
    Yes, if it's for a school project
    Yes, if it's for a game
    Yes, if it's with friends
  • Q4
    What should you do if someone sends you a message online that makes you feel uncomfortable?
    Delete your account
    Ignore it
    Reply back with something mean
    Tell a trusted adult
  • Q5
    Does having a lot of followers on social media mean you are popular in real life?
    It depends on the social media platform
    It depends on the type of followers
  • Q6
    Should you post pictures of other people without their permission?
    Yes, if it's a funny picture
    Yes, if it's a group picture
    Yes, if you blur their face
  • Q7
    What should you do if you accidentally post something you shouldn't have?
    Post something else to distract people
    Delete it immediately
    Tell your friends to ignore it
    Leave it up
  • Q8
    What is the best way to protect your digital footprint?
    Think before you post
    Delete everything you've ever posted
    Only post things on private accounts
    Post everything anonymously

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