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Quiz by Angelo Devincenzi

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words.( And, or but, so) in (People thousands of years ago made tools, weapons, and art.

                                          These objects are called artifacts.)

    People thousands of years ago made tools, weapons, and art, and these objects are called artifacts.

  • Q2

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words ( and, or but so)  in Archaeologists want to learn about human history.

                                  They study artifacts.

    Archaeologists want to learn about human history, so they study artifacts.

  • Q3

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words ( and, or, but, so)  in Artifacts are man-made objects.

    Fossils are entirely natural.

    Artifacts are man-made objects, but fossils are entirely natural.

  • Q4

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words ( and, or but, so) in Archaeologists do not study fossils.

    Sometimes fossils get dug up accidentally.

    Archaeologists do not study fossils, but sometimes fossils get dug up accidentally.

  • Q5

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words ( and, or, but, so) in Artifacts can be fragile.

    Archaeologists have to dig carefully.

    Artifacts can be fragile, so archaeologists have to dig carefully.

  • Q6

    Combine the sentences into one sentence. Use one of the joining words ( and, or but, so) in Many artifacts are buried underground.

    Archaeologists dig to find them.

    Many artifacts are buried underground, so archaeologists dig to find them.


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