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Quiz 1 - Earliest Computing Device

Quiz by Angelito Tacan (Litoy)

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    How does arithmetic calculations in abacus is being performed?
    By sliding the rules
    By dialing a series of wheels
    By manipulating the beads.
    By placing the rods side by side
  • Q2
    How does Pascal’s Calculator is being used in the early times?
    By placing the rods side by side
    By manipulating the beads
    By dialing a series of wheels
    By sliding the rules
  • Q3
    Below are the Pascal’s Calculator serious drawback, except:
    It could not be produced by the technology of his time
    There was no industrial technology in the seventeenth century
    It is useful for the British Navy for navigational purposes
    Pascal did not have much success in manufacturing
  • Q4
    What is the significant function of the electromagnectic counting machine constructed by Herman Hollerith?
    To make counting easier
    To make the process easier
    To tabulate the data easier
    To manually sort and tabulate the data manually
  • Q5
    Why is it that the stick in famous invention is called “bones”?
    Because they were made of steal
    Because they were made of woods
    Because they were made of bone or ivory.
    Because they were made of steal or metal
  • Q6
    Why is it that abacus had reached its popularity in the early times?
    Because it is portable
    c. Because it simple and effective.
    Because it is more than enough to manipulate data
    Because it is accessible
  • Q7
    A Scottish Mathematician who became famous for his invention of logarithms.
    Blaise Pascal
    William Oughtred
    Charles Babbage
    John Napier
  • Q8
    He was one of the greatest scientific geniuses of his time. At the age of 26, he taught himself mathematics and then proceeded to invent calculus.
    Charles Babbage
    Herman Hollerith
    Blaise Pascal
    Gottfried Leibniz
  • Q9
    What is the first manual data processing device?
    Napier’s Bones
    Leibniz Calculator
    Slide Rule
  • Q10
    He was considered as the Father of Modern Computer.
    Gottfried Leibniz
    Blaise Pascal
    Charles Babbage
    William Oughtred

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