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Quiz 8

Quiz by K

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    What are the most important terms for beating a 10-man ride?

    Chuck the ball to far corner

    Communication and Hustle

    Just run it out

    Spacing and Communication

  • Q2

    In general what is the rule when a middie is clearing the ball above the restraining line from a dead ball situation?

    Re-direct the ball to the far side

    Call a time-out

    Run by 1 pass if there are 2

    Always return the ball to the goalie

  • Q3

    A flag is down and the shot clock is at 70 seconds with 45 seconds remaining in the game. Your team is losing by a goal with no timeouts left. What is the best scenario?

    Run the end of quarter/game play

    Get a shot off and play man-up

    Hold the ball for the last shot

    Work the ball for a high quality shot

  • Q4

    When running by a teammate who has the ball what is always a good idea to do?

    Get underneath the player by at least 5 yds

    Set a good pick

    Run a fake flip and cradle as if you have the ball

    Call for the ball

  • Q5

    You are playing a two-man game on offense. You are the pick man, who is responsible for making the pick successful?

    Off ball communication

    The coaching staff

    The player carrying the ball

    The player setting the pick

  • Q6

    Conventional wisdom says head-man-ball when moving from defense to offense. What does this mean?

    The ball never gets tired.

    Crap your pants and run by everyone

    Keep the ball in the head of your stick

    If a man is open in front of you, give him the ball.

  • Q7

    What are the most important qualities for a successful team? This is not an objective question.

    Being on time and following directions

    Integrity, Courage, Justice, Humility

    Having fun and Ego

    Ego and Selfishness

  • Q8

    What are the dimensions of a regulation lacrosse field?

    110 yds by 60 yds

    120 yds by 60 yds

    110 yds by 55 yds

    100 yds by 531/3 yds

  • Q9

    When doubling the ball what is the best approach?

    Double from the front as the on-ball defender locks his man up

    Call double and have goalie cover man closest to goal

    On ball defender turns his man as the double comes from behind

    Make the on ball guy go over the head as double approaches

  • Q10

    How long can a player have possession of the ball in the crease area?

    4 seconds

    3 seconds

    5 seconds

    10 seconds


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