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Quiz on Active Learning Techniques

Quiz by Dr Jarina

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15 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following definitions best reflects the definition of active learning?

    All students being physically active in class

    Students taking notes during a lecture

    All students in class being asked to speak, write, or reflect on something

    All students in class working in a group on an assigned activity

  • Q2

    The optimal class session contains

    mostly activities

    a variable blend of lecturing and activities 

    an equal blend of lecturing and activities

    mostly lecturing

  • Q3

    Facilitator asks a question and calls one student to respond. Rate this as

    An active teaching practice

    Good active learning practice

    Not an active learning 

    Questionable active learning practice

  • Q4

    The facilitator asks a question, gives the students 60 seconds to work on it individually, then instructs them to work in pairs and gives 30 seconds to try to reach a consensus and finally calls on a student to give the pair's response . Rate this as

    Questionable active learning practice

    Good active learning practice

    Not active learning

    An active teaching  practice

  • Q5

    Name the technical term used for "engaging students in thinking about their own learning".

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  • Q6

    What is the term for learner-centric, active learning technique in an OPD that happened through a brief case presentation, narrowing down differential diagnosis (DD), then analyzing the DD, planning & management of the case further self-directed learning for the case-related issue?

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  • Q7

    Name the type of Inquiry-based learning when a teacher provides only the research question for the students. The students are responsible for designing and following their own procedures to test that question and then communicate their results and findings. 

    Confirmation Inquiry

    Open/True Inquiry

    Guided Inquiry

    Structured Inquiry

  • Q8

    What is optimum size of a small group for a small group activity?





  • Q9

    Classify the following question as per Bloom's taxonomy.

    What components of the physical exam might demonstrate abnormalities related to hypertension in the index patient?





  • Q10

    Name the active learning technique.

    Question Image

    Didactic Questioning

    Probing Questioning

    Reciprocal Questioning

    Socratic Questioning

  • Q11

    You want to show a complex problem solution to your class in a way that best equips the students to solve a similar problem themselves. The technique which can be used for this purpose is

    Thinking-aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS)

    Showing solution step-by-step in class, giving students the chance to ask questions after every step


    One minute preceptor

  • Q12

    Individual prework- individual readiness assurance test- team readiness assurance test-  clarification session- application- optional peer evaluation. Name the type of collaborative active learning technique in the above process.

    Case based learning

    Jigsaw group learning

    Team-based learning

    Problem based learning

  • Q13

    Students write for one minute on a specific question (which might be generalized to “What is the most important thing you learned today in the class”)

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  • Q14

    Click on the correct sequence of note taking.

    Record, Review, Reduce, Recite, Reflect

    Reduce, Recite, Reflect, Record & Review

    Record, Reflect, Reduce, Recite & Review

    Record, Reduce, Recite, Reflect & Review

  • Q15

    Match the statement with their appropriate ALS technique.

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