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Quiz on Geological Map

Quiz by Aira Eleuterio

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    The part of the geologic map that contains the colors, lines, and symbols, that are the key for a full understanding of the map.

    Legend/Map Legend

    Bar scale/Map Ruler

    Orientation Compass


  • Q2

    What do we call the x and y linear and/or angular quantities that designate the position of a point in relation to a given reference frame?

    Geological Symbols


    Orientation Compass

    Geological Lines

  • Q3

    This is the visual representation of a wide variety of geological data and the structural features in that area.

     Geological Map

    Geological Symbols

    Geological Lines

    Colored Areas

  • Q4

    Which element of the map locates direction and indicates whether North, South, East, and West?

    Orientation Compass 

    Map Ruler/Bar Scale


    Geological Lines 

  • Q5

    The relationship or the ratio between the distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground.

    Geological Lines

    Map Ruler/Bar Scale 


    Map Legend/Legend


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