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Quiz by UBA JH

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25 questions
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  • Q1
    2023 World Cup Host Country:
    c) Brazil
    b) Qatar

    a) France

    d) Russia

  • Q2
    Recent Environmental Disaster:
    a) BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
    c) Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    b) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
    d) Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
  • Q3

    Which social media platform was involved in a controversy regarding its impact on mental health and teenage users in 2021?

    A) Twitter
    D) Snapchat
    B) TikTok
    C) Instagram
  • Q4

    What major cryptocurrency reached an all-time high value in 2021 and gained widespread attention?

    A) Bitcoin
    C) Ripple (XRP)
    D) Litecoin
    B) Ethereum
  • Q5

    "To infinity and beyond!", Guess the movie quote.

    D. Finding Nemo

    C. Toy Story

    B. Up

    A. Wall-E

  • Q6

    "May the Force be with you.", guess the movie quote.

    A. Star Trek

    D. The Matrix

    C. Guardians of the Galaxy

    B. Star Wars

  • Q7

    Which character is known for his incredible archery skills and is a member of the Avengers?

    c) The Flash

    d) Hawkeye

    a) Black Panther

    b) Green Arrow

  • Q8

    What is the fictional city that serves as the home of Batman?

    a) Central City

    c) Gotham City

    d) Star City

    b) Metropolis

  • Q9

    This billionaire genius is also known as the Armored Avenger. Who is he?

    a) Green Lantern

    b) Iron Man

    d) The Flash
    c) Thor
  • Q10
    What is the primary superpower of the X-Men member Wolverine?-
    c) Super strength
    b) Healing factor

    d) Laser vision

    a) Telekinesis
  • Q11

    What does "YOLO" stand for in internet slang?

    D) You Only Live Once

    C) You Only Laugh Out Loud

    B) You Only Live Online

    A) You Only Love Once

  • Q12

    Who is known as the "Queen of Pop"?

    A) Beyoncé

    B) Madonna

    D) Rihanna

    C) Lady Gaga

  • Q13

    In the TV series "Stranger Things," what is the name of the parallel dimension inhabited by the Demogorgon?

    B) The Upside Down

    D) The Otherworld

    A) The Shadow Realm

    C) The Dark Zone

  • Q14

    When someone says, "I'm buggin' out," what are they likely feeling?

    a) Excited
    b) Annoyed or agitated
    c) Relaxed
    d) Hungry
  • Q15

    What is the slang term for a strong coffee or espresso?

    a) Cup o' Joe

    b) Latte
    c) Mocha
    d) Cappuccino

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