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Quiz by Lesley Still

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    X-rays are dangerous because.......
    They are painful, easy to see and can cause thyroid disease
    They are painless, invisible and can have serious effects on living tissue
    They are clearly visible, making them easy to avoid
  • Q2
    Which are sources of possible radiation exposure in staff
    The primary beam and scatter radiation
    Only the tube head
    Only the primary beam
  • Q3
    How can scatter radiation be reduced?
    Using a dose-meter
    Using lead gowns
    Collimating the primary beam
  • Q4
    What is the safest way to avoid exposure?
    Leave the room
    Wear a dose-meter
    Wear a lead gown
  • Q5
    How is staff exposure monitored?
    Regular health checks by GP
    Using dose-meter badge
    Taking regular blood samples

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