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Reading Comprehension: Fables and Tales

Quiz by wayupak seetho

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the weather in the story The Crow and The Pitcher?





  • Q2

    How does the�resolution�fit into the overall structure of The Crow and The Pitcher?

    The Crow should never reach the water.

    The Crow dies of thirst and this disappoints the reader

    The Crow reaching the water satisfies the reader.

    The Crow should not be thirsty.

  • Q3

    What is the theme or the moral of The Fox and The Grapes?

    The Fox should give up.

    The Fox should have called his friends to help him.

    It is easy to dislike what you cannot have.

    The Fox was right in not trying harder.

  • Q4

    To get the grapes, the Fox . . .

    ran and jumped.

    called a friend to help.

    used a ladder.

    ran around the tree.

  • Q5

    Which of the followingis not the principle of reading comprehension?

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