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Reading STAAR Review

Quiz by Ms. Fernandez

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following statements is the correct definition of second person point of view?
    Question Image
    the perspective from which the story is told
    the narrator tells the story using the pronouns "you", "your", and "yours" to address a reader or listener directly
    the narrator is a character in the story and uses words like I, me, we
  • Q2
    Which of the following is the correct definition of man vs self?
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    type of conflict where the protagonist faces outside forces
    type of conflict where the protagonist has an internal struggle
    type of conflict where the protagonist faces rules, laws, and/or society
    type of conflict with protagonist and antagonist
  • Q3
    An antagonist is the character who works against the protagonist in the story. Which of the following is not an example of an antagonist?
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    man, they're all examples!
    man vs nature
    man vs man
    man vs self
  • Q4
    An external conflict is the conflict outside a character. Which of the following is not an example of external conflict?
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    Man vs Society
    Man vs Self
    Man vs Man
    Man vs Nature
  • Q5
    Which of the following is the correct definition of drawing conclusions?
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    to reduce large sections of text to their essential points and main idea
    specific details or facts found in the rest that support what is inferred
    restate the meaning of something in different words
    the reader gathers information, considers the general thought or ideas that emerge from the information
  • Q6
    Which of the following is the correct definition of a ballad?
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    story of a person's life written by another person
    story of a person's life written by that person
    an account of the author's personal experiences
    a type of narrative poem that tells a story and was originally meant to be sung or recited
  • Q7
    This is an example of--
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    rhyme scheme
  • Q8
    What is an inciting incident?
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    event that sets the rising action in motion
    highest point of action
    events leading to the climax
    beginning of a story
  • Q9
    What is conflict resolution?
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    point in the story when the problem is solved
    how the problem of the story is solved
    the end or close; final part
    events after the climax that lead to the resolution
  • Q10
    These are example of what type of figurative language?
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    Hyperbole-an extreme exaggeration
    Personification-giving human traits to non-living things
    Simile-a sentence that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as"
    Metaphor-comparison without using like or as
  • Q11
    What is the author's purpose in creating this book?
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    entertain-author's purpose to write and read something for fun
    persuade-author's purpose to convince the reader on a point of view
    Inform-author's purpose that gives readers facts about a topic
  • Q12
    Characterization is the author's use of methods to develop a character. Which of the following is not a method of characterization?
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    what the character thinks, does, or say
    they are all methods of characterization
    the author's direct description of the character.
    what other characters in the story say or think about the character
  • Q13
    Under which genre does this book belong?
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    Non-fiction--Writing that is true. It explains about real people, places, objects or events. This writing can also explain ideas.
    Fiction--Writing that tells about imaginary (not true) characters or events.
  • Q14
    An analogy is a comparison of two things that are largely dissimilar for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Which of the following is not an analogy?
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    Nest is to bird as dam is to beaver.
    A gang of boys is like a pack of wolves.
    A book is to read.
    Meow is to cat as bark is to dog.
  • Q15
    Spinach pizza is delicious.
    Question Image
    Opinion--A view or judgement formed about a fact.
    Fact--Text can be proven.

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