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Remix and Production Quiz

Quiz by Jackson Brown

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    In Ableton, the tempo and quantisation of audio can be adjusted using:
  • Q2
    Yellow Warp markers are automatically assigned to...
    Drum samples
    WAVs / AIFFS
    8-bar loops
    Transient peaks
  • Q3
    In the sample viewer with Warp switched on, grey markers are assigned to:
    Pseudo Transients
    Sound wave troughs
    Phat beats
  • Q4
    To automate the effects/mixer parameters of a track in Ableton:
    Press record, then edit parameters in real-time and/or, draw in automation separately.
    Rewire Ableton and apply automation in Logic.
    Ableton only allows automation to be recorded in real-time.
    Ableton only allows automation to be drawn in.
  • Q5
    The 'pumping' effect in electronic music is created using
    NY Compression
    Sidechain compression
    Parallel compression
    Upwards compression
  • Q6
    The intensity of the audio-pumping effect can be increased by increasing the:
    Output gain
    Release time
  • Q7
    A compressor on an audio file cannot use a MIDI instrument as a side-chain input. How can a MIDI kick drum track be used to activate the side-chained compressor?
    Sending the MIDI output to a bus, then selecting the bus as the side-chain input.
    Placing the compressor on the MIDI kick-drum track instead of the audio file.
    Increasing the MIDI audio to a higher level than all other instruments.
  • Q8
    Adding a clean bass tone to kick drums can be achieved using
    Square waves
    Triangle waves
    Sawtooth waves
    Sine waves
  • Q9
    To make the sine wave only play at the same time as the drum, you place a:
    Side-chained noise gate on the kick drum channel
    Side-chained Multipressor on the sine wave generator channel
    Side-chained noise gate on the sine wave generator channel
    Side-chained compressor on the kick drum channel
  • Q10
    To reduce potential frequency-clashing, ______________________ should be tuned to the key of your track
    Kick drums without a sub-bass tone
    Kick drums with no frequency content below 100Hz
    Sampled Kick drums in mp3 format
    Kick drums with a sub-bass tone

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