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Reproductive Health and FP

Quiz by Ian Gabriel

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15 questions
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  • Q1

    What is reproductive health concerned with?

    Only females

    Only the elderly

    Both males and females

    Only children

  • Q2

    Which of the following is included in reproductive health?

    Family planning

    Dental care

    Eye care

    Curing the flu

  • Q3

    Why is reproductive health important?

    It helps us eat better.

    It makes us taller.

    It affects our general health and the health of the next generation.

    It helps us run faster.

  • Q4

    Which of the following affects the health of a newborn baby?

    The baby's toys.

    The weather.

    The mother's health.

    The father's health.

  • Q5

    Compared to women, the effects of reproductive health on men are:

    The same




  • Q6

    Reproductive health excludes:


    Maternal and child heatlh

    Family planning

    Hair care

  • Q7

    Why is reproductive health important for men?

    They have no concerns.

    They also have reproductive health needs.

    It affects their sleep.

    It has greater effects than on women.

  • Q8

    What does family planning allow a woman or couple to determine?

    When & how many children to have.

    What job to take.

    Where they're going to live.

    What school to attend.

  • Q9

    What methods are used in family planning?

    Healthy eating


    Regular exercise

    Reading books

  • Q10

    Why is pregnancy below 18 years old risky?

    There's no risk actually.

    Likely to have preterm babies.

    The baby might be too big.

    The baby might be too tall.

  • Q11

    What can happen to teenage girls who become pregnant?

    They can travel more.

    They're having a family.

    Drop out of school.

    They become healthier.

  • Q12

    What can family planning prevent?

    Watching too much TV.

    Having many kids.

    Eating too much junk food.

    Buying too many clothes.

  • Q13

    Why is it important to have space pregnancies?

    To relax from too many expenses.

    To add another baby soon.

    To regain the mother's strength.

    To give relaxation to the father.

  • Q14

    What is the risk for women who have more than four children?

    They become happier.

    Risk for maternal mortality.

    Fighting with spouse.

    Risk for mental disorder.

  • Q15

    Why might a couple wait to have a child?

    They wanted to travel around the world.

    They wanted to become financially stable.

    They might not want to have a child.

    They wanted to help their own families.


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