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Research Methods: Experiments/Experimental Methods/Experimental Designs

Quiz by Amie Harris

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38 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the correct definition of validity

    The consistency of my measure, allows me to achieve consistent results.

    The accuracy of my measure, allows me to achieve accurate results.

  • Q2
    What term is used to describe when a researchers expectations influence how they set up the study and behave towards the participants
    hawthorne effect
    demand characteristics
    researcher bias/Investigator effect
    interviewer effects
  • Q3
    What key term refers to the variable that is measured?
    dependent variable
    independent variable
  • Q4
    Which of the following is an advantage of a field experiment research method

    high ecological validity 

    has high reliability and standardisation 

    has high control of extraneous variables 

  • Q5
    What hypothesis predicts the direction of a result?
    alternate hypothesis
    null hypothesis
    directional hypothesis/one-tailed
    non-directional hypothesis/two-tailed 
  • Q6
    What is the name of an additional variable that COULD have an effect an the DV?
  • Q7
    What term is used to describe an experiment where the IV already exists within the participants and has no direct manipulation by the researcher?
    quasi experiment
    field experiment
    lab experiment
  • Q8
    Which of the following is an advantage of an opportunity sample?

    collects a highly representative sample 

    useful if you want to collect participants with similar characteristics 

    has no issues with researcher bias

  • Q9
    What term is used to describe when the results can be confidently said to apply to a real life setting.
    external reliability 
    ecological validity
    internal validity
    inter-rater reliability
  • Q10
    Which of the following is a disadvantage of matched pairs experimental design?
    participants are more likely to work out the aim of the study
    selecting participants can be time consuming
    order effects may be present
  • Q11
    Which of the following is an advantage of a lab experiment?
    high control of extraneous variables

    increased ecological validity 

    can observe real behaviour of participants in a natural setting
  • Q12
    What term is used to describe an experimental set-up involving two groups of participants where one group experiences one of the conditions and a different group does the other condition?
    repeated measures design
    matched pairs design
    independent measures design
    dependent measures design
  • Q13
    The following IV is fully operationalised in this hypothesis: chocolate will have an effect on the amount of hours sleep a participant has.
  • Q14
    Which statement reflects a non-directional hypothesis?
    males are more accurate in judging the speed of a car than females
    to investigate whether there is a gender difference in judging the speed of a car
    there is an effect on the accuracy of judging the speed of a car (mph) between males and females
    females are more accurate in judging the speed of a car than males
  • Q15
    An experiment investigated whether close proximity to strangers increased heart rate. The DV would be:
    the strangers
    the participants
    proximity distance
    heart rate

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