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Quiz by Mary Ann N. Taway

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    The following are elements to consider in writing Scope and limitations of the study EXCEPT _______.

    components of the products

    manner of testing procedures

    duration of the study

    related sources or citations

  • Q2

    Which of the following is not correct sample of null hypothesis?

    None of the components is appropriate material for making paper

    The pineapple is not effective component of paper

    There is no other than pineapple pulp is effective source of cellulose fiber for paper

    There is no significant effect on the use of pineapple as durable paper. 

  • Q3

    Which of the following is NOT part of the Research Introduction?

    Statement of the Problem

    Scope and Limitations of the study



  • Q4

    The following are types of research hypothesis EXCEPT _________.

    cause and effect hypothesis

    alternative hypothesis

    scientific hypothesis

    null hypothesis

  • Q5

    Which of the following is NOT considered in writing statement of the problem?

    variables to be tested

    set-ups or proportions for experimentation

    process of testing the research product

    related literature and studies

  • Q6

    Which is NOT the importance of identifying engineering goals?

    to identify the tasks needed in the study

    to determine the processes and technology involved in the study

    to identify the target of the study to be accomplished 

    to determine the statistical treatment to be used in the study

  • Q7

    Which of the following is mismatched?

    significance of the study: benefactors and benefits

    scope and limitations: focus and extent of the study

    statement of the problem: analysis of results

    hypothesis: cause and effect

  • Q8

    In the study on The Feasibility of Cogon Grass and Egg Shell as Food Packaging", which is considered delimitation of the study?

    determine the effect food packaging on the taste of the food

    identify the best proportions of variables to produce food packaging

    determine the effectiveness in terms of durability of food packaging

    analyze the effects of varying amount of components in a set up of food packaging

  • Q9

    The following are considered good research statement of the problem EXCEPT ___________.

    focus on the needed statistical data and treatment 

    focus on the effectiveness of the product

    identifies the specific proportions that best describe the product

    determines the best processes needed to produce the product

  • Q10

    Which best describes the difference between limitations and delimitations?

    Limitations determines the important variables needed in the study while delimitations focus on the procedures and methodologies to follow in the study

    Limitations are the target in the research methodologies that give will the best result while delimitations are factors that influence the results of the study 

    Limitations show the factors that affect the effectiveness of the research product while delimitations identifies the factors that are not effective in the study

    Limitations are the extent of the study in all aspects while delimitation is needed in the study but not within the target duration, skill, materials and process

  • Q11

    None of the following set-ups would determine the effectiveness of synthetic leather from milk fish. What type of hypothesis is described in the statement?

    Affirmative Hypothesis

    Alternative Hypothesis

    Null Hypothesis

    Cause and Effect Hypothesis

  • Q12

    Which of the following will NOT determine a null hypothesis?

    confirms the result

    negative statement

    use of no, not and none

    opposite of the expected result

  • Q13

    Which best describe an affirmative hypothesis?

    The variables are not effective components in accomplishing a research study.

    None of the variables are effective component of the study.

    The use of variables would provide a quality and success of the research study if properly tested and analyzed.

    There is significant effect between the amount of variables and effectiveness of the study. 

  • Q14

    Which of the following is mismatched?

    alternative hypothesis: confirmation of research statement

    if and then hypothesis: statement of cause and effect

    null hypothesis: negation on the stated SOP

    affirmative hypothesis: results analyzed

  • Q15

    "Risks of the Study" determines the hazards and precautionary measures to follow while Significance of the Study includes the economic relevance of the research. 

    both statements are false

    both statements are true

    the first statement is true and the second is false

    the first statement is false and the second is true


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