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Review for unit exam

Quiz by Amy Elvir

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7 questions
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  • Q1

    What do you call the distance between a 

    number and zero on a number line?

    Absolute value

    Zero Pair 

    opposite number 

  • Q2

    Put the following integers in order from least to greatest.

    -9, 0, 4, -7, 15, 1

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  • Q3

    Evaluate each expression.


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  • Q4

    Evaluate each expression.


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  • Q5

    Compare.  Write <, >, or =.

    -22 ______________ 9

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  • Q6

    Compare.  Write <, >, or =.

    8 __________ - |6|

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  • Q7

    Which of the following expressions is equivalent to 9 + (–3)?

    A)   10 – 6 B)   –10 – 6 C)   –10 + 6

    9 - 3

    -9 +3

    9 + 3

    -9 - 3


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