Quiz by Inga Jocioniene
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10 questions
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- Q1
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q2
What is full of holes but still holds water?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q3
What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q4
David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q5
I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can’t touch me or catch me. What am I?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q6
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q7
What invention lets you look right through a wall?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q8
What has hands, but can’t clap?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q9
What can you catch, but not throw?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s - Q10
What building has the most stories?
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble60s