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Road to Revolution

Quiz by Jessica Montague

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    What patriot group orchestrated the Boston Tea Party?
    The Tea Party
    Men of Freedom
    Loyalists Group
    Sons of Liberty
  • Q2
    This British tax was imposed on the colonists placed a fee on all legal documents and letters.
    Stamp Act
    Quartering Act
    Intolerable Act
    Quebec Act
  • Q3
    Which legal action was a direct result of the French and Indian War?
    Proclamation of 1763
    Boston Massacre
    Declaration of Independence
    Intolerable Acts
  • Q4
    Following the Boston Tea Party, the British passed several laws that were intended to punish and discourage Patriot supporters. What did the colonists call these laws?
    Terrible Tory Laws
    Stamp Act
    Intolerable Acts
    List of Grievances
  • Q5
    Which famous person was one of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty?
    Samuel Adams
    John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Q6
    Which of the following sequence of events is in the CORRECT order?
    Intolerable Acts, Declaration of Independence, Boston Tea Party
    Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence
    Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, French and Indian War
    French and Indian War, Stamp Act, Proclamation of 1763
  • Q7
    The Proclamation of 1763 angered many colonists. What did the Proclamation do?
    Made it illegal to trade with Native Americans
    Forced colonists to pay taxes on sugar and spices
    Forced colonists to pay taxes on legal documents and tea
    Made it illegal to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
  • Q8
    What is one natural resource the Colonies exported to Great Britain through the Triangle Trade?
  • Q9
    Which of the following was a major action taken by the FIRST Continental Congress?
    Declaration of Independence
    Boston Tea Party
    Olive Branch Petition
    Boycott of British Goods
  • Q10
    Which Famous Bostonian and Patriot also was the lawyer for the British soldiers involved with the Boston Massacre?
    George Washington
    John Hancock
    John Adams
    Sam adams
  • Q11
    Timber is an example of a colonial __________________.
  • Q12
    One of Monday's papers says that the masters and owners are well pleased that their ships are thus cleared, without their being responsible." Based on the above quote, what can we say about the owners of the ships that had their tea cargo thrown into Boston Harbor?
    They were not aware that the tea was even taken from their ships
    They helped the colonists get rid of the tea from their ships
    They were angry and wanted to be repaid for the lost goods
    They were happy to have their ships emptied of the tea
  • Q13
    Who drew this depiction of the Boston Massacre?
    Question Image
    Paul Revere
    Benjamin Franklin
    Sam Adams
    John Adams
  • Q14
    This Prime Minister of Great Britain famously advocated for harsh treatment of the colonies after the Boston Tea Party.
    Lord Farqua
    Lord North
    King George III
    John Rolfe
  • Q15
    The Boston Tea Party was a result of the tea tax and Monopoly given to which important British company?
    Lord North's Tea Company
    British Tea Elite Company
    Boston Tea Company
    British East India Company

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