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Road to the Constitution

Quiz by Chirs

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27 questions
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  • Q1
    The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had
    only a legislative branch, consisting of a bicameral Congress
    only a legislative branch, consisting of a unicameral Congress
    no legislative or judicial branch
    only a legislative and an executive branch
  • Q2
    Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had ____ vote(s) in Congress.
    depended on representation
    depended on population
  • Q3
    Which of the following is not one of the obligations of the states to the National Government under the Articles of Confederation?
    Give full faith and credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state
    Provide funds and troops when requested by Congress
    Treat citizens of other states equally to their own
    Establish a monetary system and print money
  • Q4
    The Articles of Confederation were never amended because
    it took all 13 states to approve
    it didn't need to be changed
    it took 9 of 13 states to approve it
    it took 2/3 of congress to approve it
  • Q5
    What was the most important thing to come out of the Albany Plan of the Union?
    Ben Franklin as a potential president of the United States
    A plan to repay debts to foreign countries.
    How to deal with the tea tax placed on the colonies by the King
    A plan for another meeting of the states the following year
  • Q6
    Why did the colonies meet at the Albany Plan of the Union?
    To address problems with the Indians
    to address the Intolerable Acts
    To revise the Articles of Confederation
    to form a Continental Army
  • Q7
    Why was the Stamp Act Congress created?
    to discuss the Boston Tea Party
    to discuss no taxation without represntation
    to discuss who should be taxed
    to discuss further taxes on the colonies
  • Q8
    The Committees of Correspondence
    Sent complaints to the King of England after the Stamp Act
    Explained the Constitution to the public
    Were in charge of enforcing the laws passed by Parliament
    Spread the written word from town to town
  • Q9
    How did the Committees of Correspondence get their work spread throughout the colonies?
    They printed it in newspapers
    They used carrier pigeons
    They used the British postal service
    They used townhall meetings
  • Q10
    The 1st Continental Congress was called in response to the
    Shay's Rebllion
    stamp act
    intolerable acts
    Indian attacks
  • Q11
    What was going on by the time the Second Continental Congress convened?
    The Boston Tea Party
    The French and Indian War
    Shay's Rebellion
    The Revolutionary War
  • Q12
    What came out of the Second Continental Congress?
    The Petition of Rights
    The Mayflower Compact
    The Constitution
    The Declaration of Independence
  • Q13
    What were the two main objectives Thomas Paine said the colonists need to do in his work Common Sense?
    raise taxes on the rich and create a democratic republic
    Gain independence from England and form a confederation
    write a new constitution and create a democratic republic
    Gain Independence from England and create a democratic republic
  • Q14
    Who proposed the idea of a Declaration of Independence?
    Richard Henry Lee
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington
    Ben Franklin
  • Q15
    Which of the following is not one of the three parts of the Declaration of Independence?
    statement to dissolve ties with Britain
    list of grievances against the king
    statement of intent
    Explanation of the three branches of government

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